× chapter 2 ×

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(⚠ Warning ⚠)
(If you really don't like blood, even small bits of it, don't read)

You were bored, as usual. You would think they would trust you with a pencil and a couple of pieces of paper's, which would be nice, but apparently, they don't. So you sat there drawing, drawing with your blood on the walls, what else are you supposed to do, there is literally nothing else in this room except a small window, mirror, and a twin sized bed. You scraped your finger up the wall then slowly down only to bring it back up again trying to finish your bloody drawing. Blood from where? You might be thinking, don't be alarmed it's your finger's blood. You see your finger got cut and blood came goosing out of it so might as well do something with it instead of wasting it like a good girl. You heard the door nob shake, you emedeetly looked to the door.

"Here is your breakfast you piece of trash." the guard also known as Jeffry said

"Well someone got off the wrong side of the bed today, and every other day." you said smiling at him

He flinched a little as you smiled then went back to his normal grumpy state and through the food on the floor intending to make the food fall over distorting your meal, but it didn't. He then quickly slammed the door and left with his footsteps slowly going away by the second. A small ray of sunlight gleamed across the half-empty room making it the only light source in that room. You got up off the floor and dusted yourself off and walked to the food only to sit again on the dirty floor.

Steamed rice, two pieces of toast, a cup of milk and two small candy's to whom you know Andrew, the cook had secretly put under the toast. You weren't special though, the cook does this to everyone here. You weren't as hungry but it's food, right, so eat it. You took a few bits into your mouth but got full quicker then you thought. Like a child to which you aren't, you ate the candy first then the food. You're a teen, a teen in the loony house you liked to call it. The silver lining was you weren't alone, number 8 says she killed her mommy and daddy but you didn't believe a single thing she says, number 20 says his brain is sick and yet he says he likes it number 2 thinks the guards are his family then there is number 13, you. You don't really understand why you're here or how you got here you were way normal then these lunatics, you did what any normal person would do, talk. Talk to the voices in your head even talk to number 4 and 5 both boys, both twins, both have voices as well as you, so why you? You don't have a clue in the world how you got here, who you are, who is your mom, and most importantly...

What the world looks like

You spent half of your time sitting criss-cross applesauce next to the window looking out at the long green grass and the trees and other rooms. You don't know how but you've seen the tree go to green, then orange-ish red, then no leaves, then it's green again but with pink flowers, you always wondered this and no one answered. You secretly liked the (pick tree) looking tree because it filled you with hope and made you feel safe as if the tree protects you and the others. It felt like magic, or maybe the tree changes colors when it feels like, maybe if you got out of here, you can ask the tree to change to your favorite.

You were looking out the small non-glass window as the cool breeze would come in when it pleased and left when it wanted. You were daydreaming again, about seeing the world until the door surprisingly opened bursting your thoughts out of your head and out your mouth.

"Don't kill me, Mr. Tree!!" You yelled raising your hands in front if your face in a protective manner, but then you saw it was only Eto

She closed the door and respond with a...

"Relax I'm not a evil tree out to get you...or am I?" She said walking towards you only to sit next to you.

Eto was a ghoul a nice one indeed, and your best friend. She also worked here and visited you from time to time when she pleased. She also happened to be your tutor she helped you learn about life and some times math and other times art.

"Love the blood drawing." she said giggling

"Thanks," you said smiling "so what are we gonna do?"

"Well today I thought we could-"Eto said but got interrupted

"Why does the tree change time after time?" You questioned her

"What?" She questioned you

"Well the tree turns green, then sometimes orange, and then it has flowers, and other times the tree is naked."

"Oh that, those are seasons silly." Eto giggled

"I thought the tree was a tree, not a season?" You said tilting your head slightly

"No, the way the tree changes are season's, the one with green is summer the red one is fall the one with no leaves is winter and the one with flowers is spring." she said

"Oh i like the (session)." you said looking out the window to see the tree outside with small green leaves falling off a little.

The leafe made it slowly to the floor.


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