× chapter 15 ×

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"Mommy-I'm so sorry." You yelled out still in the small ball of sadness

"Sweety, dont cry...I'd hate to see you cry." Her soft voice....it had to be your mom.

You wiped your tears away and looked at her. There she was, she kinda looked like you. To her beautiful skin to her shining (color) eyes...she had to be your mom.

"Mommy." You said as you got up

You walked to her but as meny steps as you took closer to her was as meny steps she walked farther away from you.

"Mommy?" You said wanting to cry

She said nothing, all she was doing was smiling a closed eyed smile to you wile her hands where folded.

"Come on honey, lets go with daddy and we can live a happy life together." She said happaly

You walked closer and she still steped farther away from you. You felt somthing grab your hand. You looked behind you to see a black gooey figure was holding you back. You looked back in front of you to see your mom was far far off walking into the sunset in the green grass. You pulled your hand away from the monster and ran farther to her. You where runing and runing trying to get closer, but it seemed as if she was getting farther and farther. You saw her turn around and she smiled to you, you ran even further untill you felt two gooey arms wrap around you keeping you away from your mom. The grip was very tight you could barely even breath. You started to get a little mad and you kicked and screamed.

"NO! let me go, mommy is waiting." You yelled

They tryed to say somthing but all you could hear was nails on a chalk bord. You then strugled even more. You used all your strangth and you burts out of its grip sending dark gooey droplets every where. You ran and ran. You where so close to having a normal life, a mom, dad, maby siblings, pets, nice neighbors, everything normal people have. Ypu then felt somthing stop you. You then felt brethless. Your eyes widend and you looked at your mom. You could see a little girl run up to her, it was you...but yunger. She carryed yunger you and they both smiled. They huged each other. It was so heart warming. If...if you didn't go to the asylum was this the life you could of had...with your mom. You wanted her to stay. Then the sun started to set, the warm red ish pink sky started to turn dark. Then you saw mom grab yung you by the neck, and...she just droped you down the hill. The lifeless body of the smaller you was down the hill covered by green grass. The grass became brown then dark black. Your eyes widend in horror. You started to brake down a littlie, your feelings takeing over. Your tears formed in your eyes. Your legs where shaky. You can see every thing turn black. You could still se your mom on the hill, she was walking away.

'She wouldn't do that!' You thought to yourself

You wiped your teata wich was usless because even more just formed and you ran to her. One hand on your eyes trying to wipe your tears away the other reaching out to her.

"MOMMY PLEASE!" You yelled

You where running as fast as you have ever ran. Your mom stopped in the middle of disappearing and she turned to you. She looked so genital and nice. She looked straight at you in your eyes. You started to slow down. Your runing turned into walking and then...you stoped.

"M-mommy?" You wimpered under tour breath

Your voice was so silent...and soft, yet sad and terrified. A tear fell down your cheak. Her eyes still focused on yours. That was then when the nicest thing turned into the most evilest and unpleasant thing ever. She smiled.

Her closed eye smile.

It was so...evil like.

She then smiled even wider and at that you could hear somthing next to you. You quickly turned and saw somthing coming straight to you. The darkness faded away very quickly and a car was coming your way. Your breath hitched and your eyes widened.

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