× chapter 10 ×

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Short authors note
This video might seem weard looking but it is actually really good when you give it a chance.

At this moment you knew love was stupid and that you will try your best to never fall for someone you just meet never ever again, But again you could of sworn he had this look in his eye's that said I trust you as long as you trust me but apparently not.

The boy who you fell for was now talking to the man with the four guns, the one who was trying to kill you and he turned to your hiding spot smiled at you.

N-no way, was he was giving your hiding spot away
was he signaling to the man you where in the shrub without actually saying it so you couldn't run away? You asked him to help you and you trusted him you practically trusted him with your life. You saw it in his gorges starlet red eye's to wich you thoght gad a mix of trust in them but yet again you only thoght you never knew one hundred percent.

'Ok now life is over for good' you thought 'at least i will die knowing i loved once'

Or where you gonna actually die?

The boy secretly grabbed something that looked like a steal bar that happened to fall off the railing, with his hands the boy swong it at the man the older man seeing this and he dodge it as if it was easy. The older man grabbed the boys arm and swong him away above his head but the boy landed on his feet smiling on how hard the man tryed to hurt him but he didn't. The man shot a few probably around four bullets but this time his other gun ran out giving the boy the chance to swing at man's head, wich he took and made the man fall unconches on the floor, with only a little blood coming out of his forehead maby damaging the man's brain but who knows it probably was nothing.

You came out of you're hiding spot and took off some leaves that happened to be in you're (h/c) hair and walked to the man slowly. You bent down to his height and wached him for a wile before touching his head and saying.

"Tag Your it" you said under your breath keeping a big happy grin on your face

You looked at the boy with snow white hair and looked your age and got up on your feet. You held out a hand for him to shake and said

"thank you very much...um..mr.....?" You said waiting for him to say his name

"Juuzou, Juuzou suzuya" he said talking your hand and shaking it along with him smiling a big toothy smile

"Nice to meet you Juuzou I'm (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)" you said smiling back

"(Y/n)?" he said

"Yes." you said

"Why was that weard man trying to get you, are you the bad guy or is he?" Juuzou said tilting his head and gripping the thing he hit the man with ready to hit you if you where bad.

"Well I'm good i never did anything wrong he is bad he hurt meny people and it's a long story you would get extremely bored if i where to talk about it" you said

"I'm listening" he said smiling happily

"Well ok then, I was in the loony houce wich is a place for crazy people like me, i don't know how, when, whair i was or how i got thair but i do know that it was almost impossible t-to g-g-get ou-out of" you said feeling sick all of a sudden

"Are you ok miss (y/n)!!?" Juuzou said looking at you
"Did i make you feel sick with my Juuzou looking face?"

You shook your head and said

"No I-i-i'm fine d-don't worry about me" you said smiling

You then felt as if the whole earth was moveing, you where extremely dizzy and you bairly could stand on both feet

"(Y/n) are you shour your ok" he said

"Y-ya I'm i'm f-f-fine" you said looseing balance and falling

Thankfuly Juuzou cought you. When he cout you he saw blood seeping through your shoulder through your white dress. He slowly slipped the sleeve down to see the bullet was deep and infected and that you where losing a lot blood and fast so fast he felt like you might not even survive.

"Your ok miss (y/n) i will try to help you" he said

"No your it i told you, tag" you said a little crazy

"No we will play later right know i we have to play doctor ok" he said

"Ya" you said seeing everything still really dizzy

"The way to win the game is to stand still wile I, the doctor, will help you ,the person who i am operateing on, get you better again" he said

"Albright i will stand still, your gonna lose" you said giggling

"Ok it's fine with me as long as you don't lose.....

Your life"

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