× chapter 3 ×

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Once again bored as usual, every day is the same it's only repeating over and over. When will life chang for once or twice or even four times, like the season's? You got up off your bed and looked at your bloody drawing to wich had dryed up from the other night. You wish you could draw once more on the walls with blood, but you're flesh on your finger has healed and you can't cut it with anything, well at least nothing you could think of. You sat on the floor and looked under your bed and grabbed out the books Eto security sneaked in for you. You got out the interesting animal book and turned to page 13. Page 13 had an unusual animal that had grabbed you're eye, it was called a giraffe. It was the most tall and spotted animal you have ever seen...well of course not in real life that is, but you wished it did. If you where to see a giraffe you'd probably pass out from excitement. You then suddenly heard a way too familiar sound from the North side of the room, the door nob. You quickly slid the book under your bed and wated.

It was Jeffrey here to give you your usual lunch wich was the same as breakfast and dinner, Steamed rice, two toasts, and milk.

"Eat up you pice of trash." he said dropping the tray on the floor makeing it spill all over the floor.

"You know what Jeffrey." you said with your (h/c) hair in your face not revealing you're (e/c) eye's

"..." he said nothing waiting for you to answer

"You should be kind, your rude attitude doesn't fit you. Soon enough, you'll find yourself being eaten from your monstrous ego." you said giggling and sending him a innocent smile.

He had a face of terror written all over it. His face read a mixture of disgust and hatrid. He walked to you slowly and you looked up to see he was extremely upset. He positioned his hand up then within a second down smacking you on the side of your face.

"That's no way to talk to such a person, you pice of trash!" he said

You touched your cheek wich left a burning sensation and a red mark as well. You couldn't help but smile.

"I understand i have been a bad girl i promise i will be a good girl next time." you said still smiling

He got even more mad how you where smiling right after he had hurt you, so he walked away slamming the door behind him.

Why? Why where you smileing because you know what you said was true and he did as well wich had must've startled him making him mad and making him hurt you so with such painful discussion.

You didn't eat that evening not even the two single chocolate delights wich you had left under you're pilow. Right this second you where on your bed daydreaming as usual. That was untill a huge bang was heard. Everything was rumbleing making you fall of you're bed.

"Whoow." you said as you rolled off your bed and fell on your bottom.

You could hear tonz of people screaming and yelling. You could hear the driping of blood on the floor. Where ghouls attaching the loony house? You where a little scared until you head a little voice go.

"It's OK you're stronger then them as long as you listen to me and my every command, alright?" it said

You nodded and it started to talk again but this time saying...

"Go to you're mirror grab a hard cover book and smash it with the book."

"But what if i get hurt?" You said "what if my book gets hurt?"

"It's fine the pain will go away and it will feel like nothing happened, after all pain is nothing" he said

"But my book."

"Forget your book! Hurry or we'll both die here!"

You noded once again and grabbed a big book and smashed the mirror with all your might. You made all the pieces fly passed you and scrape against your flesh.

You opened you're eye's and removed your arm's to see some small rips in your white dress and some scars on your arms and legs. They hurt a little but as it said, it's fine pain is nothing, so you sucked it up and went down to business.

"Go on and fined the bigest pice of glass you can find and get ready" it said a little demanding

"For what?" You said confused

"We are going to see the world"

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