× chapter 14 ×

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Holding on to the kid ,you never really got to meet, you never really wanted to let go. You wanted to make him feel safe. You remember feeling his soft hair tickling your skin, untill. a woman's voice was heard yelling out a name. Over and over that name was called. She ended up walking closer to the ally way and her eyes layed on the boy you where holding. She ran up to you and have you a huge hug...Juuzou just watched. She keept saying 'thank you' over and over again and took the boy out of your arms. You could still feel the way his warmth left your body. She kissed the boy on his head and started crying. He opened his eyes and saw her. He weekly smiled and tryed his best to huged her back. She kissed his face all over, happiness in her eyes and hope in his. The woman walked up to you and looked in her purse. She brought out a packet...it smelt disgusting and was roting inside. You pushed it away.

"Hear have it i have plenty." She said pushing it farther to you

You simply just pushed it further. You understood what was happening, ahe thoght you where a ghoul and to show you her gratitude she has given you meat.

"I promise it won't hurt, you saved my son go ahead and eat, i really don't mind, after all yo-."

"I'm deeply sorry but i can't take it." You said

"How come?" The motherly woman questioned

"I'm not a ghoul." You said

Her eyes widend and she backed up a little hugging her son a bit more. She was trying to protect him and trying to keep him further away from you.

"It's ok, I'm ok as long as he is ok" yoy started "he has a big gash o his stomach and a few on his face, his Kagan is deeply hurt and he may not survive if you don't act fast!"

She stared at you, surprised but with a mixture of something else as well.

"Hury up theres no time to waist!" You demanded

"Thank you very much." She said bowing quickly and running away.

As she left it was aa if the happiness that once lurked inside you had left as well. You wanted so badly to keep the small child, but you couldn't and you knew that.

The rain started to pour down harder by the second. The sound of the rain drops agenst the floor like a perfect melody. One after the other in perfect harmeny. Your hair turned slightly darker because the rain had been looking down clearly leting the water fall on your hair. You looked at ypur feet, not wanting to look up. Not like the boy was unattractive or the rain was bad, no nothing like that. It was as if the looking at your feet calmed you. You felt a stinging sensation on your sholder, you ignored it, not like it was really that important...right? The once light colored concreat was now staining with old red blood and the rain, makeing it darker then when it wasn't raining...and when you weren't covered in thick blood. your shoulder starded to burn more and you felt as if so meny whispering was in in your head. Over and over they would repeat one sentence again and again, smashing agenst your head like a chainsaw.

!!I was never your freand!!

You closed your eyes forcefully. You fell to your knees and put your hands to your ears slightly tuging on them painfully.

"stop it, stop!" You yelled


You could hear them laugh at you. Your eyes where getting watery and not because of the rain.

Don't you dare shed even one tear! You cry and that shows us just how pathetic and vulnerable you really are

"I'm not pathetic!" You yelled

And yet you are vulnerable, so very vulnerable

"Im not vulnerable eather! Just go away!" You yelled curling ip in a ball still on your knees.

You could feel the tears well up in your eyes. The tears where getibg bigger threatening to fall. Until....they did. The tears came down one after the other.

How pathedic
How week
How vulnerable
How stupid
And yet
Still not broken.

I can fix that


Your eyes widend


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