× chapter 5 ×

817 22 3

You have been walking for hours trying to find socialization , but so far no luck. It was getting dark and you where getting hungry. You decided to claim up a tree for the night and eat off the fruit on the tree for dinner. You found a tree and claimed it and ate a (fruit) that was untill you saw some light as the corner of your eye. You jumped off the tree and ran to the light wondering if it was a elfs pot of gold but you found something slightly better a city just down the hill.

"Get ready city, (y/n)'s moving in" you wispered  smiling a little

You walked down the hill. Only few steps from freedom only a few steps from love.

You didn't know that that to be fair you don't even know how to love, well not eny more at least. Eto had once brung up feelings like joy, excitement, sad, mad, and the one that cached you're eye was the one called love.

"You see young (y/n) love is when you see some one and say he/she is the one for me the fealing when they touch you, you feel your cheeks burn up or when they get close to you you can hear your heart beat out of your chest as if it where trying to find a way out" Eto's voice ran through you're head

"But i don't think mu heart would be vary happy outside of my chest not pumping blood to my brain, i would die" you remember saying thet

"You will learn soon when you like i have fallen in love" she said

"Who?" You hear your old voice ringing through your head

"The guard for number 26 he is so dreamy" she said hugging herself

You still don't understand how that feels like yet but you do remember number 26, she was really mean if her guard was Jeffrey they'll get along quite nicely and leave you alone from them trying to hurt you but that didn't happen. Number 26 got some other guard named...Jackson.....bob...tony? You can't quite remember at this moment but you do remember how Jeffrey and number 26 would treet you, unfairly and mean.

They would often call you a pice of trash or other hurting words that made you wanna die. All that time staying in that room ment all those emotions stayin in you but like other's you need to cry and flush your feelings out once and a while. You remember those cold dark days you would cry yourself to sleep your really uncomfortable bed trying to smile but can't, those days where because of Jeffrey and 26....it was all thair fault.

You gripped your fist and grinded your teeth untill you snapped out of your daze and realized you where in the city in the middle of the...side walk or the street....mmm?

"The one with car's driveing it the street, if you ever get out you stay away from that untill you see other people walk as well" Eto said reassureing you

"What is that?" You said pointing to the book

"That is a car, remember stay away from them or you could die"

The car's honking made you go back to reality only to realize you where on the street and car's where passing by. You looked forward to see a semi truck going your way so you ran off stopping time after time trying not to get ran over you then made it to the side walk only to be pulled in with a large amount of people in black talking on something called a phone?

"This is a phone hear you try" Eto said

You took the phone

"What dose it do?" You said confused

"You can play game's, read, call, text, meny things" Eto answered

They where probably calling thair business or something like Eto said the other day. After a few minutes you managed to squeeze out of the group of meny people and walked down a gray path with street lights. It was empty.

'Silly thair where meny other people earlier and know it seems like they all disappeared' you thoght in you're head as you walked further to see a railing.

"Railings are things that can keep others away or to help them give balence down or up the stairs" Eto said once more."Even animals at the zoo"

"Even a giraffe?" You said looking at a giraffe picture

"Yes even a giraffe"

You ran to the railing and didn't stop until your hands felt the cold touch of the bar.
You looked down to see what looked like a bottomless pit of despair and death.

"Whair are the giraffes?" You said looking off down the pit

"You normally only see giraffes at Austria or at a zoo" Eto's voice said giggling

"Oh ya i forgot" you said smiling and still looking off at the dark pit of despair and death

But what you didn't know was that just a few yards away was one person who would change her life for ever.

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