× chapter 6 ×

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You where looking out to the darkness deep in thoght thinking about how so meny things have happened to you in the past. You then decided to pull out the small book Eto gave you that happened to be in a pillow case you turned into a bag before you left and put some more glass sherds in case if some ghoul would refuse to die easily. As you got the book you and turned to page 13 the page with the giraffe.

"Yup no giraffes hear" you said looking off the the pit

You ripped a paper that was supposed to be the index or something and you folded it into a paper airplane and where ready for it to take flight.

Dear people of the world please come and rescue me. I am in some containment in the woods send help - (y/n) age 10

You remember writeibg down on a paper and foldibg it. You remember walking to the small window and got ready when the wind came you where going to throw it hopeibg it would get to someone. You remember the freeling of the cold breas coming in and the feeling of the paper airplane flying out of your hands and getting caryed off into the wind.

"Some one eny one please help i never did anything wrong"

You remember that night like it was yesterday but it wasn't it was about 3 or 5 or something uears ago but you remember crying. You didn't notice but a small tear can down you're cheek thinking about your past. The wind then came out of no whair and blew the paper airplane away until you noticed what you did. The one thing that reminds you of you're best friend is broken. You need it back. The wind was carrying it left so you ran towers it.

"No please come back" you said running after it

The pounding of the ground on your bair feet hurt and the way you where desperately trying to get the paper back only made you lose hope by the second.

'I can't let it go' you thoght and ran faster

The wind started to bring itself down and the paper airpine was lowering by the second. It then fell to the sidewalk but it fell between two feet that happened to not be yours. The stranger noticed this and picked it up. You kept running twords him, but you where running so fast you could stop and when you got close to hin you tripped and fell on him.

"Awwyy" you both said

You got up and you saw what the boy looked like in the moonlight.....or was it a girl...no she had no brests so it has to be a mail. Ether way he had snow white hair, red hair pins, blue suspenders with a white button up shirt, some black leggings and red sliper shoe's and extremely cool probably unessesery stitching on him. Once his eye's opened you felt your heart pound. He had beautiful eye's with a majestic color of scarlet red wich made you think of blood wich you liked about them.

"When you fall in love you will know"

Where you in love with someone who you haven't even meet before....NO love at first sight is silly.

"Hey snap out of it he is talking to you" the voice in you're head said making you snap out of it

"Excuse me miss, lady but is this yours?" He said holding up the paper airplane you had recently made in you're face

"Yes thank you so much" you said smiling a big smile

"No need to thank me, but how about getting off me because if this ever happened I'm pretty shour i would be on top" he said smiling a big toothy smile

"Oh sorry" you got off him and lended him a hand wich he took

You where going to say something untill you got interrupted by this mysterious man

"I'm sorry but eat this so i know you're not a ghoul or else I'm going to have to kill you" he said happy holding out a pice of gum

"Alrighty as long as I'm a good girl the world would be good to" you said eating the gum and chewed it

"Dose it tast bad, dose it wanna make you wanna throw up, are you a ghoul ready to devour me at eny second?" He said with stars in his eye's

"No not really tastes like strawberry mango" you said giggling

"Oh..i guess you're not a ghoul" he said shrugging with a small sad smile of disappoint and walking away into the distance humming a picefull melody

As you walked away repeating under your breath

"I need to be a big girl and take cair of myself just like what a big girl does" you said whispering

'ether way, you can't fall in love, it will only make you week' the voice said

You heard slowly sauntering away from what could of had chained your enter life for ever but it appears it was just not meant to be. Love at first sight isn't real.

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