× chapter 12 ×

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The shadowy figure walked closer but you only scooted further away not wanting to die that was well, until your back pressed against the cold wall sending chills down your spine not helping at all. The figure was getting closer and closer each step, and each step makeing a small thump each time still not helping at all. What happened next surprised you both....but only a little.

You where probably gonna die.........but you said this like five or four other times and hear you are, your not dead. Your scared face then turned a little dark and a creepy smile formed on your face, below your nose and above your chin. You tryed to hold it in but it was difficult and it seemed to burst out of you.....your laughter.

You where laughing at how funny it was that you thoght you where gonna die. The thing that surprised you the mosy was...the person laughed along with you. Both of you where laughing, you didn't know why thay where laughing and the same gose for them, they didn't know why you where laughing. The laughing started to die down a little and you started to stand on your feel bending your knees a little and walking back to the window. This person saq this and stopped laughing. Every step you got closer and closer to the window wile still laughing.

You got close enough ypu could feel the glass against your skin.

You turned around to open the window upward and stood on the leadge of eather falling inside or outside. The figure got closer to you by one big step and a hand reaching out to you.

"Good bye" you said giving a closed eye smile

You jumped off and landed on your feet and you needed to put you one hand on the floor to give you more support. You looked up to the figure looking out the window and you saluted them good bye and ran off, not stopping. You ran and ran not wanting to trust eny one.

You ran till your legs where hurting extremely bad, so you started to walk. You walked by meny people but when you where walking somone bumped into your sholder that was still healing and it started to hurt really badly. You held your wound with your other hand and tryed to find some place to run off to. You found a abandoned ally wich would just have to do for now. You walked to thair limping because of so much blood loss. All the blood running down your sholder went to your arm all the way to your hand. You got to the ally and you sat on a pile of ,weirdly clean, boxs. As you sat down you pulled your sholder sleave of your dress down to see that the layers of paper that where supposed to put pressure and help your wound must've had fallen when the person bumped into you.
So much blood was running down your arm as if you cut your arm. Trying your best to Get up off the box you planned on getting help.

'Why did i run away what if that person wasn't gonna kill me and thay where cooking or something' you thoght

You walked down the ally still limping hopeing to find some help. Your bloody fingers scraped agenst the wall as you limped your way to try to find eny kind of help.

"Some...one....please...help" you said trying to yell but it only came out as a wisper

A quite light wisper that no one hured

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