× chapter 9 ×

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Was it the end? Or was it the only beginning? You where shur it was the end, the end of freedom, life, love, everything you have worked up to this gone away in the wind, but you haven't done anything wrong....have you what have you done that whould make the world want you dead? Eather way this man was was gonna take you back to the crazy place you just got out of, this wasn't fair. You never got to tell that straing boy thank you, or feel the way your feet felt against the grass or the sand, you never got to...see the world. Love at first sight has to be real and you knew you loved him.

"Sorry kid but you need to go back to the loony house" the man said with his boot still placed on your back

You tryed to get up, but it hurt considering you fell front first. You then heard his gun click signaling he was redy to shoot you till you surrendered.

"N-no" you said flushing out your anger and out of your mouth

"Can't you see i already won?" He said yelling a little "give up.....

You pice of trash"

Those words made you mad

Jeffrey called you that and you thoght that about yourself as well your not leting some random mean man call you somthing like that.

"I-I'm not TRASH" you yelled using all your strength to get up off the floor and grabbing his foot and pulling him down so he was now on the floor

You made a run for it a run for freedom a run for love.
You ran as fast as your feet could take you only a few yards or feet away from that boy. You then heard a gun shot and you weren't paying attention and it shot your uper arm close to your sholder. You let out a head splitting scream.

The man was now smiling but you didn't cair you just ran and said.

"One little gun shot is worthless you're gonna need more to make me stop runing from you" you yelled not stopping

He shot what felt like sixty bullets but they where only six wich you dogged each one. You can still see the boy up ahead.

'I can ask him gor help' you thought

Then another bullet was shot louder then the other's. It was aiming at your head so you did a one handed cart wheel and a back flip.

'Doing a back flip will give you a boost in running did you know that?' Etos voice said

"Wow that's cool" you said

'Hear let me try to teach you, help me move you're bead aside so we have more room' she said


You remember Eto teaching you that. You looked behind you to see the man was so far you could bairly see him. You suddenly fell bumping into someone.

You opened you're eye's to see the same boy but he was on top this time.

"I told ya i would be on top" he said giggling

You heard a gun shot and knew he was getting closer. You grabbed the boy with your good arm and hid behind a green shrub.

The man was now so close you can hear his footsteps and his heavy breathing. Then the footsteps where getting closer and closer.

"Please help me" you said wispering to the boy

He did nothing just silently thoght for a wile. You could hear the man talk

"Did you get her?"

"No i lost her but i will keep looking for her until i find her and bring her back" the man said in a deep and intimidating voice

You sat there knowing it was over, your one chance at freedom, one chance at life, one chance at love...it's all gonna be gone soon.

The boy then smiled and walked out of the shrub

'What was he doing? No why h-he is betraying you, but why you said please and sorry can't he see thay are the bad ones not me' you thought

'I trusted some guy i loved at first sight and he...he through it away' you thoght

'Love is stupid, i'm never falling in love again'

Or so you though

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