× chapter 16 ×

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You couldn't move and the car was comeing straight for you.

"Mommy." You wispered under your breath

Somthing tackled you to the floor. It was only then when you could hear the screaching of a car's tires. You where under the same thing that was holding you back from your mom. The dark figure was holding you down from your wrists. You tryed to kick and scream.

"Let go! Let go of me!" You yelled

The thing that was on top of you was trying to say somthing but all you could hear was nails on a chalk bord. Your eyes started to tear up.

"STOP! let go of me!" You yelled kicking and streaming

"H-y-he--i---m-." You could hear a familiar voice say.

You could hear a voice behind all the ear ripping noises.


You started to relax a little. Your vision was blurry from the tears. You could still see the dark figure. You blinked a couple of times and could make out a different figure. It was white, but you could also see the monster like figure as well...but as the same person. You closed your eyes for about three seconds counting.


You opend your eyes to see everything was back to normal. No more darkness and no more dispair. The thing on top of you was actually Juuzou.

"He-, its -e." He's voice was becoming more clear. "Hey, its me. Calm down...its ok."

His voice was calming. Your eyes where still watery and some tears sliped down your cheak. Your breathing was hitched and you where scaired. Your hands raped around him and you huged him. You where crying at the crock of his neck. He surprisingly huged back. If it weren't for him you could be dead. You could feel his hand stroke your hair as you cryed. Your shoulder started to burn even more. The pain in your sholdrr started to grow. Your grip on Juuzou weakend and you let go. You felt light headed and could see everything blur once more as everything went dark and silent.

WOW! than a dragon came and kablammo and woosh and boom! No just kiding. I'm ending this story! To much of a potato to do anything.


Wellll, i dont know. What do you guys think? End, continue, i dont know. Im thinking about finishing my other Juzzue book.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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