× chapter 13 ×

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On the verge of life or death you kept going hoping some one anyone would help, well maybe not anyone though.

As you walked you saw a dark shadow of a person on the ally floor meaning you weren't alone. take the risk and ask for help and they will or they eat you or kill you? Life was confusing, extremely confusing. At this moment you didn't really care at all if you died or not because you could easily kill them with one swipe if they ever tried to pull something silly. You slowly walked backwards in case if it was in fact some one who wanted to hurt you. The shadowy figure came closer only to reveal a normal looking person, but you didn't take any chances if they where a ghoul you can grab something and kill them. Once the person came back into the light you could see it was a boy to which had blood stains on his shirt and his mouth. He was a ghoul. His kagin seemed to be dragging behind him on the floor only dragging more blood all over the concrete floor. You didn't want to hurt him because he looked like he was gonna faint and probably die, you felt like a louse if you where not to help the poor thing to wich was younger by a few years then you. his feet where about to fall under him and when he was about to fall you ran up to him and caught him right on time. He looked so young and hurt, blood running down his arms and legs only healing slowly not as fast as other ghouls. His light brown hair in his face and his eyes closed as if he was sleeping, soon enough his kagin went away and he was just sleeping. You hugged him close to you till you could hear even bigger footsteps but this time in front of you. You looked up to see a tall man.

"please help me this boy needs help, please." you said as tears started to run down your cheek for some reason when you don't even know this little boy

the man just simply looked at you then the side then to the boy then a creepy smile carved his face slowly. his eyes turned red and black and his two kagins came out from behind him. the man's kagin came at you so fast you couldn't do anything but curl up in a ball still hugging the poor young child in your arms. Huging the boy made you feel safe, that's all you wanted...you wanted him to feel safe for these few last seconds you both had.

eyes closed, so you didn't have to see what would happen, you dieing with the kid in your arms.

but it never came, and you didn't die. You slowly opened your eyes only to widen them at what you saw. The so called boy who said his name was Juuzou was in front of you, only with a small knife, But that small knife was the thing keeping you away from death. Juuzou had a, happy smile on his face wile the ghoul was flabbergasted and had a loss of words at what was happening befor his very own ghoul eyes. Juuzou then swung the ghoul's kagin away and brought out a few more knifes and tryed to thrust the knife at the ghoul's gut but the ghoul dodged. The ghoul tryed to get him by striking at him with both kagins but both of them where aiming at his side's so Juuzou simply turned slightly and dodged it. You curled up closer to the kid and cryed a little.

Yes he was a ghoul, but he never asked to be one. People stereo tipe to much, calling them monstrous and selfish. Ghoul's had lives as well, but if one ever tryed to do something funny, you wouldn't hesitate to kill them and rip out of thair kagin and hang it up to dry in the hot sun. Just think of all the things people could of called him for just being alive, like what others did to you.

"Ew stay away from me, you creep!"

"Stop looking at me!it's painful to look at you back!"

"I don't ever wanna be freands with someone like you!"

"You deserve to die, freeks like you always need to die!"

"Don't even look at me or my stuff, even my stuff will barf at how ugly you are!"

"Hahahaha you actually thoght we where friends?"

We where never freands

You clenched your first and grabbed a big pice of glass and layed the boy down on a box. You smiled a little and ran up to the ghoul. He turned to look at you and you stabed him in the eye.

"Ahh! F-Fu-" he tryed to say but you said something first

"Shhhh, there are children around" You said smiling even more only to bring out another pice of glass and stabing it in his gut. Scarlet fluid all over your hands...you loved it, you could say in a way that it conferred you. The thick blood was running down the gray concrete floor along with the rain. Staining your feet to become a vibrant scarlet red color, only to become slightly light headed but you caught your self on time. You looked over at the kid and walked back to him, you held him close to you not caring what Juuzou was thinking right this moment, all that matters know is that this kid is safe. He always will be safe for now and on, because you ever where really safe as a kid...but he will, you will save him from the world.

You will save him from all bad things, you will save him from despair...the complete loss of hope.

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