× chapter 8 ×

640 19 3

You slowly and painfuly walked away thinking that you would never find love again, or that was only what you thoght.

You kept on walking away, away from that one person who could have chained your entire life for ev-

"Commander!Commander! Are you thair?"

You heard from the far left of the rode. You quickly hid behind a small green tree and secretly listened.

"Yes I'm hear" the man said

You widened you're eye's when you saw he had two small guns in hand and two more in his packets. He was also dressed like.....oh no... he dressed like what Jeffrey whairs wich means.......he worked at that loony house.

"Did you find eny of those little kids yet" the wakytoky said

"No but I'm looken" the man said

"How about that one pice of trash what's her name...um...i donno i think number 13"

Once he said that you looked down to your dress to the upper right corner above you're right brest to see the number

They where looking gor you, but why you? You weren't special or where you? This was so complicated you had no idea what to do? At least you have your glass shards right and with then you can't get THAT hurt can y-

Your train of thought was interrupted by a gun shot loud enough for the whole city to hear. You opened you're eye's. The gun's bullet  shot was centimeters away from your head and it was in the tree's wood.

"Come out kid, i wouldn't hurt ya" he said

You stepped out

"Awww no fair i thoght we where playing hide and seek but i guss we both lose because you found me and i spotted you" you said smiling and giggling a little

He shot his gun but missed Intentionaly and yelled


"I'd rather play with knifes then stand around with you" you said rolling you're eye's

"Commander are you ok!"

"Ya i gust found number 13, dead or alive sir?" He said

"Alive but don't be afraid to shoot her in the leg so you can get her easily"

"Alright sir"he said and looking back at you

You stood thar smiling

"So when dose the new game began because I'm really to win" you said smiling widely
He shot his gun one more but you easily dogged it

"I'm sorry kid but this is gonna hurt" he said grabbing another gun wich ment he had one gun in each hand and shot at you with both this time.

You thankfully dogged it easily and swiftly makeing it look easy.

He widened his eye's in shock

"I think you ment that this was gonna hurt you more then me?" You said with your back facing him you

turned to him

"But I'm pretty shour this is gonna hurt you way more then you imagined" you said holding four big sharp pices of glass shards in each hand wich only made his eye's widen even more.

He must've snapped because he shot four bullets at you but you easily dogged each of them without eny sighs of hesitation.

"Come on you're not even trying" you said pounding "a cat can hurt me more thn you"

He shot about six more bullets at you but you still easily dogged them.

"I'm getting tired of playing this let's play tag" you said "you're it"

You ran from him giggling as you ran because you couldn't help but to laugh at the way he tryed so hard wile it was so easy for you to run, dodge and practically everything else he could do.

He then thoght he had a good idea. He shot his gun's at you wile both of you where running, bad idea because you just dogged them.

"Hey you cheater cheater pumpkin eater that's against the rules!" You said "but if you can break them,so can i"

You through three glasss shards at him. Two he missed and one cut his right cheek make scarlet blood trickle down slowly, but that didn't stop him.

You had one glass shard in you're right hand you needed to lode up incase in this man tryed to shoot you again so you could just throw them at him.You then suddenly saw the cute boy up ahead who you had completly forgotten. You weren't paying attention and you tripped of you're bair feet and fell front first. It was painful when you fell on the concrete you had some paches of dirt on you but you tryed to get up. Your arms and legs hurt but you needed them to get up only to be met with the concrete once again. You had realized this man who was trying to get you placed his food on you're back so you couldn't get up.

"Know know, just stand still the pain in your leg will go away......no it won't" he said smiling this time

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