×chapter 11×

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You couldn't quite remember anything that happened, was it real or was it a dream? Perhaps everything was real and the man took you back to the asylum maby Juuzou took you to the hospital? Probably, maby, perhaps  he just let you rot to die in your own pool of blood only to mix with your tears, Only one way to see,

× wake up ×

You told yourself that several times but telling yourself to wake up doesn't mean you could. How hard was it really to open your eyes? In fact for you right this moment it was extremely difficult to do such things like opening your eye's or your mouth, you couldn't even move, this happened a few times when you slept and you hated it. You couldn't trust eny one to tell them that this strangely happened time to time when you slept. You never even told Eto your...old...best frend. Of course you didn't give up but you did have to admit you where to weak to open your eye's. Maby if you just fell asleep for...just...a...little...wile-NO you can't risk sleeping then never walking up eny more. You tryed, tryed to use all the strength you had left and you opened your eye's only to see.....darkness. darkness every where as if you had never even opened your eye's darkness, bats in caves darkness, are my eyes REALLY open or are they still closed darkness. You closed them shut considering that all these thoughts where swirling around your brain to fast it gave you a small yet meaningful head ache. You where determined to open them once more hoping that it wouldn't lead to something you would regret opening your eye's such as to open them only to look down at your body in a pool of scarlett red blood acknowledging that Juuzou had given up on you and the boy you thoght he was turned out to be the complet opiset. You opened your (e/c) eye's quickly widening them then relaxing them when you realize you where in fact not half dead or not even dead at all you where in a quiet room, a small cute one indeed. You saw that you where in a bed way comfyer then your old small rock-like bed to wich you don't miss it one bit. You curled up in the bedding and the red blankets keeping warm for just a few minutes.

'So this is how normal beds feel like....warm' you thoght enjoying your time in the comfort of the bed

For a few minutes or so you stayed like that enjoying the warmth and quite of the room's environment that was untill somthing in you was telling you get up off the bed.

"Ok don't yell" you wispered to your voices

You then just realized that moment from the HOLE time you where there that, you where in Juuzou's house. How the heck did you not know.

'Dang it i need ro get out' you thoght as your heart started to race

'I can't let him help me like this, this is my fault i was being a bad girl not him, i need to leave...NOW' your thought

You quickly got ready to run out and probably jump out the window and run away from everyone and never go back to society ever again.

You tryed your best to quitely and gracefully get off the bed but what you wherent expecting was how you're feet went under you and you fell front first on the cold carpeting floor only to hear heavy and loud footsteps running up that stairs quickly and stoping at the white wooden door. When it opend it revealed a dark gray man-like shadowy figure, holding some sort of........


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