× chapter 4 ×

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Emedeetly when you had found the biggest glass shard you grabbed it and did as he said. What you didn't know was when your soft hand touched the sharp and rugged glass pice something snapped in you. Once you noticed this you liked it. The feeling of blood runing down your hand gave you satisfaction and the way the people screamed for thair lives made you go crazy and don't forget the way the blood spilled to the floor that made you wanna burst through that door and kill all the ghouls in your way of freedom, no one's taking you're freedom away form you, not again, not ever.

"You're gonna wh-" the voice said but you interrupted it

"Shhhh it's ok, babby can  handal this just like a good girl" you said smiling your innocent smile

You ran to the door and stepped next to the wall. You pressed you're ear against the wall only to hear ticking.

You widened you eyes and ran for cover curled up in a ball and shut you're eye's and closed you're ears. Once you had opened your eye's and uncovered you're ears the wall that was once thair a few seconds ago was obliterated to small pieces. You got up and walked through the wall opening and to the foggy hallway. You didn't see so good but that didn't stop you you walked through the hallway slowly not in a rush. Time to time some people who worked hear would run passed you trying to help or trying to get out, but not you you continued to walk through the foggy hallway. A ghoul came up to you ready to pounced on you but you grabbed it by the Kagan wich was tingly so you let out a little giggl then stabbed him in the eye makeing him fall only to quickly get back up and try to stab you with his Kagan once more but you easily passed all his moves. He had then had enough of this so he tryed to grab you with both his Kagans but you jumped into the fog. He was confused and didn't know whair you where that was untill you leaped out of the fog behind him with a wire and choked him with it wich made him out of breath and made him fall in defeat not able to fight eny more.

"Awww i gess i am breathtaking" you said laughing

He wasn't quite dead so you made shour he was by stabbing his heart then his head several times leaving blood stains on the bottom of you're white dress. You took your finger and slid it through his scarlet blood and went to the nearest wall and wrote.

Freedom starts with death, but not for me

In blood and capital letters. You licked the rest of the blood off your finger and looked at the body.

"Well i hate to be a party pooper but i need to leave" you said walking away.

Eventually you found your way to, outside... you think it's called ya your pretty shour it's outside. You could feel the grass through you're socks wich didn't feel quite to good so you took them off and tyed them around you're ankles makeing it look nice yet different. You looked to see fire, smoke, people screaming, people dying, that was when you saw a person who looked like....Jeffrey?

He was crawling on the floor with one leg biten off. He was digging his hands in the dirt and trying to find a way out trying to find help but what he found was more terrifying. He stopped when he came face to foot with your feet he looked up to see you where in blood andvyou where alive and bot as badly hurt then him wich made him surprised.

"(Y-(y/n) your a-alive?" He said

You said not a word only a simple nod yes

"Please call for help" he said desperately

You looked at his face and looked him right in the eye's.

All you did was walk away slowly

"Whate no come back" he yelled "I'm sorry!"

You stopped when he said he was sorry.

"Sorry, but good girls don't help bad boys" you said smiling all crazy like and continued to walk away

A ghoul then came out of no whair about to attack you but you quickly grabbed it's feet making him fall and you put your food on his chest with the glass shard at his nose.

"Try to kill me, you will lose" you said "try to kill him, victory is you'res"

Jeffrey widened his eye's when he heard those words come out of your mouth.

You got off the ghoul and let him free knowing he was going to kill jeffry.

Jeffrey wasn't your friend vut you where his and when you tryed to tell him to smile he hit you...that's what freands do ont do.

"Hope you rot in hell like a bad boy" you said still walking off all the way to the dark woods

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