Chapter 4 xx

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    “Can you guys keep quiet for a while?” I tell the boys and close my eyes.

    “Agreed, you guys make way too much noise.” Liam says and shushes them up.

    “She’s sick, you know.” Harry says and they start teasing him for defending.

I am sick. I have a fever and a killer headache and they just won’t shut up. Probably from the changing of the weather. They’re doing their world tour—mind you, they’re just starting. So, we’re now in Korea. It’s winter here and winter in Australia doesn’t even have a snow!

I get up from my bed on the tour bus and get a Panadol.

    “You guys need any help?” I ask.

All of them look at me unsurely.

    “I haven’t turned into an alien, have I?” I look at them “Dang, I have.” I say sarcastically.

Harry ruffles my hair.

    “Just go to sleep. You just had Panadol, haven’t you?” Harry advices as a good lad he is.

    “I'm wide awake now, no biggie. So, need any help?” I offer, once more.

    “We do, actually. Can you draw anime?” Niall asks.

The boys glare at him and Zayn hit him on the shoulder.

    “What? She offered.” Niall says, defending himself.

I roll my eyes and smile at their behaviour.

    “I'm okay. So, where should I draw that and what for?” I ask Niall.

Niall starts to explain how they’re doing a promo of their little competition. You know, the usual thing; if you tell the reason why they should win a VIP ticket to the show and stuff. Since they’re in Korea and most fans will be Korean, they thought it’d be more interesting to draw anime.

    “Yeah, I can do that.” I say and start scribbling down the pictures I had in mind.

    “You do that, we’ll be practising.” Liam says.

I nod and continue on drawing. I pick a few colour pencils and colouring it in.

Few half an hours pass and I'm very satisfied with my work.

    “What do you guys think?” I say, interrupting Liam’s and Niall’s jamming on the guitar.

They gawk at it and that’s enough to make me self-conscious. I know it’s bad… I shouldn’t do the decorations like that.

    “You’re so good. I don’t know you could draw anime.” Harry says and pats me on the back.

I raise one of my brows. His words are registering my mind. He’s not serious is he?

    “Your wife could draw anime and you didn’t know? Seriously dude.” Louis punches Harry on the arm lightly—I suppose.

I look at him with the are-you-serious? Kind of look. He pokes his tongue out and I act like I’m all angry.

    “It’s good. You should be a cartoonist, someday.” Niall encourages.

Ek? Cartoonist?

    “Vas happ—is that your drawing?” Zayn asks and snatches the drawing from me.

    “Uh… yeah?”

    “I'm so jealous.”

I look at him curiously. Why jealous? Like reading my mind, Liam says:

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