Chapter eleven xx

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I knock on Zayn’s room and wait for an answer. From the inside, I hear the sound of the door unlocking. I twist the knob and look at Zayn.

    “Vas happenin Zayn?” I ask, mimicking his accent.

He half smiles and move aside slightly to let me in.

    “Whoa, I didn’t know there’s a sleep over going on.” I say, observing as Louis, Liam and Niall are lounging on the carpeted floor.

    “I didn’t know until I came just now.” Niall declares.

I smile at all of them and sit on the sofa.

    “Harry said you were mad at him.” I say and look at Zayn who just take a seat next to Niall on the floor whilst leaning against the sofa that I'm sitting on.

Louis and Liam look at me with a gobsmacked expression. They must’ve known the reason why Zayn was mad at Harry.

    “Yeah, still am.”

    “Why?” I ask.

Niall looks up at me and then at Zayn.

    “What happened? Could someone tell me?” Niall asks.

    “Well, when you and Ames were cleaning up our rooms… Harry confessed his feelings towards Jade—”

    “He did what?!” Niall asks, aghast.

    “He did so.” Louis agrees.

    “Anyway, I flipped out. I mean, come on. He’s married. To our beloved Amethyst.”

I raise one of my brows.

    “Why am I involved?” I ask.

    “Come on Ames. It’s not a rocket science. I've been living with 4 women and really. It’s not that hard to figure it out.” Zayn says and gives me a weary smile.

    “Why are you guys speaking in tongues?” Niall asks, definitely frustrated.

I sigh and look at their faces one by one.

    “Yes, I admit that I like—”

    “Open the door!” Jade screams from outside.

With the words hanging in the tip of my tongue, I unlock the door and let her in. I give her the ‘what’s up?’ look.

    “There’s a mob of fans in the hallway.” She says pantingly.

Instantly, all five of us give her a questioning look.

    “Well, Harry and I entered the hotel and then out of nowhere the fans appeared.”

Louis rolls his eyes. Liam and Zayn exchange a bored look and Niall’s on his phone—tweeting maybe. I look at her and smile wearily.

    “You and Harry eh?” I ask teasingly.

She blushes and looks at her feet. Without hesitation, she opens the door just enough so she can see if the fans are outside or not,

    “Come on.” She says and pulls me towards my room that I'm sharing with her.

I look at her blonde hair with curiosity.

    “Harry said something.” She admits as we enter the room.

    “Ooh, said what?” I ask and sit on the bed with my green teddy on my lap.

She bites her lower lip and takes a seat next to me on the bed.

    “He confessed his feelings towards me…” she says and hide her blushing face with the pillow.

My grip on the teddy tightens as my jaw clenches. I take a quiet deep breath and grin widely and pull the pillow off her face.

    “How sweet! Details!” I ask in excitement.

She looks at me in aghast.

    “You… you’re fine with it?” she scratches her head and looks at me curiously.

    “Why wouldn’t I be fine?”

    “Well… you’re married to—”

    "Oi, we’re only married on papers. We totally have no feelings for each other.” I roll my eyes.

She beams and starts telling how sweet Harry is and all the while… I can’t seem to concentrate on what Jade’s talking about. Not even one bit.

I quaver when Jade says that… that they’ve kissed…

My grip on the teddy loosens. I bite my inside cheek and beam at her.

    “Oh my god, you guys kissed!” I say cheerily.

    “Yes! We did.” She says and touches her lips “I… I think I'm starting to fall for him…”

    “I thought you liked him already…?”

    “I do, but that was as a fan… and it’s something more… personal. I don’t know.”

She looks at me, asking for opinion.

    “I've never experienced that before. So, I don’t know either.” I declare.

    “Oh, come on. You’ve never experienced most of the things you advised me.”

    “And your point is?”

    “My point is that… you’re knowledgeable. You know everything.” She praises.

I shrug my shoulder. The silence is interrupts by the ringtone on Jade’s phone.

    “Wait a sec, it’s Harry.” She says and walks out of the room.

I enter the bathroom and look at myself on the gigantic mirror. No wonder Harry likes her. She’s pretty, nice, cute, beautiful, charming and perfect. Me and her are like the polar opposite…

I let the tears slip from my eyes. I close it and lean on the door. Somehow, I have a feeling that I'll visit this bathroom often…

So… two confessions in one day huh?

Hiya all!

How’d you like it? I know, I might disappoint some of you—okay, lot of youse, but… :D anyway, you guys might wonder why did I took so long to write this awful chapter. The reason is that I'm sick (still am). I have a bad cold and it’s just so annoying. I can’t think properly… anyways, your feedback is needed!

Fan, comment and vote!!

*no biggies.

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