Chapter 24 xx

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I look at Niall who stares at the road emotionlessly. I tap the table slowly and scrunch up my forehead thinking.

Someone puts their hand on my back; I turn around to meet Harry’s green pupils staring at my grey one. He pulls a chair next to me and sits down.

    “Don’t think too hard.” He says, rubbing my back.

    “How can I not? He looks so… sad.”

Louis takes a seat next to Niall, offering him his chips. Niall turns to face him and reply with an emotionless no. Louis exchanges looks with us. I take a deep breath.

    “Oh my god, Niall, look! There’s a free ice-cream over there!” I say, in mock enthusiasm.

Niall is as still as a statue. He didn’t even take a glance! This is serious.

    “We have to do something about this.” I whisper to Harry who nods in agreement.

I hold onto my phone tight. What is wrong with me? It’s just a rumour… it’s not true… is it? It’s not a surprise if Harry goes out with another girl. But I thought he loved me!

    “Ames…?” Niall asks taking a seat next to me in the balcony.

I turn my head around and give him a smile.

    “Hi Niall. Are you alright?” I ask.

    “I am but are YOU?” he asks, one of his brows arches.

    “What do you mean?”

He sighs and shakes his head wearily.

    “There’s a rumour about Harry going out with a brunette girl and you want to know what I mean?”

    “What about it? It’s just a rumour.” I say, shrugging it off.

    “Rumour, yeah right.” He says, flashes me his phone.

I look at the picture of Harry and the girl, from the backside. Harry’s holding onto her waist whilst she holds onto his.

    “They could be… friends…?” I offer “fine, I am jealous, but I can’t do anything about it.”

    “Yes you can. Tell him about what you feel.”

    “Nu uh, never in million years.” I say, shaking my head.

    “I didn’t tell you to tell him in a million years, I told you to tell him today.”

    “Eh, just let him be. So how are you managing without Karilys?” I ask, changing the subject.

    “So far not good.” He mutters and throws his gazes on the road underneath.

    “Let’s invite her.” I suggest.

    “That’d be great. But she has school to go to.”

I furrow my brows.

    “Oh no… I have to start schooling again.” I slap my forehead and groan.

    “You’re home-schooled, Ames.” He says, patting my shoulder.

    “It’s going to be a different teacher!” I protest.

I open the door to my room as I hear a knock.

    “Hey Ames.” Harry greets me with a genuine smile.

    “Oh, hey Haz.” I reply and go back to my laptop.

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