Chapter 9 xx

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I walk out of the stadium ahead of Harry and Jade grumpily. I don’t really know why, though…

Louis opens his mouth to say something and close it back when he sees Harry and Jade strolling out together.

    “Don’t—just don’t say anything.” I warn Liam when he’s about to state a remark.

Liam do the zipping his lips motion whilst the rest of the boys look at Harry curiously.

I enter the van that’ll take us back to our hotel without further notice and I can hear Harry says:

    “What’s wrong with her?”

I take a deep breath and out. I put my ear buds onto my ears and turn on my iPod on full volume. Closing my eyes and pretend to sleep. I'm really hoping that no one will bother me—not until I'm feeling better?

I think this is stupid. Why do I have to be mad all of the sudden? What did they even do? This is getting really stupid! What’s wrong with me? I shake all the thoughts off.

I put my iPod down on the dressing table in my hotel room.

    “We’re sharing a room together! Like old times!” Jade says excitedly and twirl around the room.

I fake smiling at her and chuck my jacket across the room before dropping myself on the bed.

    “I'm calling dibs on the right side!” I yell out before Jade could even open her mouth.

Jade and I always fight about sleeping on the right side of the bed. It’s just a habit. But instead of feeling happy, I'm feeling stressed. Am I starting to become a really bad friend?

I make an omen to treat Jade much nicer since I'm only going to see for a short while. So, why be enemy when you can be friends?

Jade groans in protest and make her way to the left side of the bed.

    “You’re not going to get change?” I ask her and place my head comfortably on the pillow.

    “Nah, too tired to care.” She says in between her yawns.

    “Should I turn off the lights or…?”

    “Off, please.” She begs and I turn it off just in time tears escapes from the rim of my eyes.

I seriously need a serious medical check-up. I cry for no reasons and I've been feeling this weird heart aching thing since Harry come to the rescue. Only ended up rescuing Jade.

I wake up only to find my head ache, my nose is runny and my eyes are all… tired. I must’ve cried too much, don’t you think?

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