Chapter 14 xx

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The flight to France was a pain in the arse. Throughout the ride, I couldn’t take my eyes off of the window next to me. The reason is because I don’t want my heart to ache more watching the lovebirds do lovey-dovey stuff.

Zayn ruffles my hair all of the sudden and puts his arm around my shoulder. I look up at him only to see him smiling at me. I sigh and hug my legs and stare aimlessly at my shoe. Zayn rubs my shoulder and I lean my head in his arms.

    “Cheer up Ames. We’re going to France.” He says and pulls me closer to him.

He smells like a forest and it’s really refreshing. I inhale his perfume.

    “You smell nice.” I reveal and look up at him.

    “I smell like what?” he asks.

    “Well… you smell like… forest and cigarette—since you smoke but yeah, you smell nice.”

He grins.

    “You smell nice too. You smell like… I don’t know sweet, vanilla-like smell.”

I chuckle at his remark.

    “I love how you describe what I smell like.”

He looks at me and smiles with his eyes and laugh too.

    “What I said was true.” He says in between his laughter.

    “Yeah, I know but vanilla-like smell? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

He pinches my cheek and starts tickling me.

    “Oh my god, Zayn stop.” I say whilst laughing since he’s still tickling.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Harry turn around and look at us and quickly turn back his attention to Jade. Oh well, screw him.

    “What do you say then?” Zayn asks, still tickling.

    “I don’t know… vanilla?” I say and pant when he stops tickling me.

    “I didn’t know you were so ticklish.” He says and pokes my rib.

    “Well, you do now.”

Zayn wakes me up by shaking my shoulder. I blink my eyes so it get used to the light that’s shining.

    “Vas happenin’?” I ask him with one eye opens.

    “Why are you opening one eye instead of two?” he asks, his brows knitted together.

    “The light is blinding me.” I confess and cover the top of my eyes with my hand.

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