Chapter 23 xx

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I sit up from my laying position and grasp my right wrist. He… Harry… he gave me a bracelet once. A charm one. Where is it?

I’ll just ask Karilys or El or something. There’s no way I’m going to ask Jade. I don’t trust her as much as I used to do… but I can’t seem to know why…

I get myself off the bed and enter the bathroom to have a shower. I pause to look at myself on the mirror. Harry said that he love me… what’s so special about me? I’m no way near pretty compare to Jade or even Caroline Flack! Wait… who IS Caroline Flack? I look at myself once more and shrug before stripping off my clothes to enter the shower.

I step out of the door and take a deep breath out of the fresh air in the room. Being in a steamy room is not good. It makes it harder to breathe.

    “You sure do take your sweet time in the bathroom.”

I stop rubbing my hair with the towel and look up.

    “What are you doing in my room?” I ask.

    “I just want to be the first person you see today.” He says and beams at me.

    “Whatever floats your boat, Styles.” I say and continue on rubbing my hair.

Oh my god, I'm so lucky that I wore my clothes in the bathroom! I hang my towel on the chair and brush my hair.

    “I'm not so sure if you remember this. But this is yours.” He says and let the bracelet hang on his fingers.

I look at the bracelet through the mirror. That bracelet!

    “Ooh, the bracelet… I remember it somehow… someone gave it to me.” I say, pretending not to know who.

    “Well… that someone is me.” He admits and hands me the bracelet.

I look at it that now contains two more charms. A hospital bed and a red rose. I look up at him in curiosity.

    “Well, the hospital bed is because you were in the hospital in a long period of time and the rose is because every day I put a rose on the table next to the bed you were in. but of course, you never noticed.”

I look up at him to see his face to see if he’s not joking. He’s certainly not.

    “Thanks, but why did you do that?” I ask, putting on the bracelet.

He looks hesitant before shrugging his shoulders. He puts his hands on my shoulder. I turn around to face him with my ‘what the heck’ look. As soon as I turn my head around, he leans in and plants a kiss on my lips. It only lasted for 2 seconds.

I cover my mouth with my hand. I haven’t felt those lips against mine for a long time… that’d be the second time.

He grabs me by the arm and makes me stand up.

    “Come on, let’s have breakfast.” He says and links his arm with mine.

This feeling just feel so good but wrong at the same time…

    “Can I ask you something?” –he nods— “why did you kiss me just now?”

With his hand still holding onto mine, he holds it up to his chest.

    “Because I don’t want to make the same mistakes again.” He says before kissing my hand.

That’s when my heart skips, skips a beat (OLLY MURS!). I feel all of my blood rush up to my face.

    “You look cute when you blush.” He says and caresses my cheek.

    “Stop it Harry.” I mumble.

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