Chapter 15 xx

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I wake up by the sound of knocking on the door. I groan and rub my eyes with the back of my hand. Who would come and knocking on the door like a mental person at—6 am?

    “I’m coming, I’m coming.” I say carelessly and walk up to the door.

I open it only to reveal grumpy looking Jade.

    “Hello, Jade. What’s up?” I ask and open the door wider to let her come in.

    “No need to pretend all good in front of me, alright.” She says and crosses her arms while looking at me like I’m a piece of s**t.


What is wrong with her? She came all the way from room 65 to room 70 just to be all mad at me.

    “Listen, alright. You like MY Harry Styles, don’t you?” she says, emphasising the word ‘my’.

    “What? No, I d—” I say and chuckle, what is wrong with her?

    “No need to deny it. Do you really have to be THAT shallow? Trying to steal people’s boyfriend and all that.” She says and rolls her eyes.

    “What? I’ve never even made an attempt to steal your guy.” I put my hands in the air, surrendering “why are we even fighting about this?”

    “Oh yeah, just whatever, back off, alright? He’ll never even fall for you even if you’re the last woman on earth. He’d go gay.” She says and points at me warningly.

She walks away.

    “I think you’ve forgotten that I’m not a robot. What you say hurts.” I states and shut the door, knowing that she heard every single word I said.

I lean my back on the door. I never thought we’d argue because of boys… I let the tears roll down my face. What she said really hurts. I thought we were friends? We’ve been friends since forever, and now we’re fighting because of a guy she met few weeks ago. How… injudicious.

I wipe my teary eyes and bring myself to the bed and sit down on it. I stare at the white comforter for what seems like hours, but really just about ten minutes. Well that’s until someone knock on the door—again. Lazily, I go up to the door and hoping that it’s not Harry or even Jade. I even cross my fingers before I open it!

    “Hey there, Amethyst.” Niall greets and raises an eyebrow.


Niall motions something at whoever is on the far side of him. Before I have the chance to say something, Liam, Louis and Zayn come barge in and make themselves comfortable on my bed. Niall looks at sympathetically and turn me around. He leads me to the single sofa and makes me sit on it.

I look at the boys who just look at me with ‘you-can-tell-us-whatever’ kind of look on their faces. I scratch my not-so itchy head. I face-palm my face and sigh.

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