Chapter 26 xx

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    “Ames, what happened?” Em asks frantically.

I look up from my luggage to see Emilee with her hands on her hips. I give her a smile.

    “What do you mean?” I ask, bemused.

    “With you and Harry.”

    “Meh… I’ll tell you on the way to your house.” I say and point at the pile of luggage “now, help me bring this.”

    “You better tell me.” she warns.

She picks one hand luggage and a luggage. Together, we walk out of the airport to her car. I put the luggage in my hand on the ground to look at the person INSIDE her car.

    “Uh…?” I ask Em.

    “That’s Ian. He’s Jack’s brother.”

    “What are you doing, babysitting your boyfriend’s brother?” I questions.

From inside of the car, he smirks at me and get out of the car.

    “She’s not babysitting me. I live there. With Jack.” He says and puts his arm around my shoulder.

I shrug off his arm and show him the ring on my left hand. He gives a bemused look.

    “It’s obvious that she’s married.” Em states and gives Ian a glare “don’t try to flirt with her.”

    “Where’s your hubby?” he asks, ignoring Em’s glare.

    “Uh… he’s in UK.”

    “Who’s the lucky guy?”

    “Why do you even want to know?” I question back.

He gives me a wink.

    “Just to know if I’m hotter than he is.”

    “You have no chance, Ian.” I state and pick up the luggage off the ground and put it in the bonnet of the car.

    “You wanna bet?” he asks, challengingly.

    “I’m married.”

    “Oh, so if you’re not married, you’ll accept me then?” he asks.

    “Nah, you’re too arrogant for my liking.”

He rolls his eyes and puts his arm around my shoulder once again.

    “So you like the Mr Nice-Guy?”

I, once again, shrug off his arm and enter the car.

    “Oh, just shut up, Ian.” Emilee protests.

Ian mutters something in reply and enters the passenger seat.

    “I’ll be sleeping.” I say and cover my eyes with the beanie that was on my head.

I skip down the stairs lazily. Everyone is asleep. Everyone except for me. I’ve been climbing this freaking stairs up and down for like the thousandth times. But I just can’t seem to be tired.

I stop myself from moving on the stairs when a hand wraps around my waist and the face snuggling in the back of my neck.

    “What are you doing?” Ian asks, breathing peacefully on my neck.

    “What are YOU doing? Get off me, Ian.”

    “Nope, I don’t want to.”

    “You’re skating on a thin ice, bro.” I say before elbowing him in the stomach.

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