Chapter 25 xx

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    “Pardon?” Harry asks.

I look at dad, hoping to hear more explanation from him.

    “You guys are going to live together. I mean, you surely need some privacy… and by the way, we already bought you a house.” Dad explains and look satisfied with himself.

I face-palm my face and groans.

    “Honey, are you alright?” ma asks and rubs my back.

I nod and sit right back up.

    “I… I should go to sleep… goodnight.” I say and get my bottom off of the seat.

That’s before someone pulls my hand so that I sit on the seat again. I give Harry a glare. He mouths: ‘We’re in this together.’

I roll my eyes and snatch my hand away from his.

    “Mum, dad and ma… the thing is… we’re not going to see you guys very often, so why don’t we live here with you guys?” I reason.

    “Yeah, we know that. But you guys won’t have enough time to… you know… ehem ehem.”

The saliva went halfway through my throat which causes me to choke. I pat my chest whilst coughing.

    “Ma!” Harry protests.

    “What?” ma asks as if she did nothing wrong.

    “We’re too young to be titled as parents.” I complain as I regain my breath.

    “Yeah, we are.” Harry agrees.

I slump myself down on the bed.

    “Your mum is uncontrollable.” I mutter underneath the pillow.

Did I mention that she insisted on me sharing the room with Harry? Probably not.

    “She is.” He agrees.

I set myself in a sitting position and chuck him a pillow.

    “You’re sleeping on the sofa.” I demand and lay back down on the bed.

Harry mutters something that I didn’t quite catch but I won’t be surprised if he’s whining. I pull the blanket closer to me.

    “Oh, turn off the light on your way.” I give him a sweet smile which only lasts for a second.

With the lights that are now off, I glower at the ceiling atop of me. Mum and dad seem to agree with what ma’s opinion… ottokae?! Great… now I’m thinking in Korean. I roll my eyes at myself. What should I do?!

    “Ames, can you sleep?” Harry questions.

    “No, can you?” I ask in reply.

    “Neither can I.”

There’s a few seconds of silence before he speaks again.

    “Are you still mad at me about the brunette?”

    “You think I should?”

    “Answer me…” he pleads. 

    “No, seriously. If you were in my shoe will you still be mad?”

He sighs.

    “I would—”

    “Goodnight, my eyes are heavy now.” I interrupt his sentence and shift so that my back is facing him.

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