Chapter Five

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I did as I promised myself. I ask the photographer for few small copy of the picture so I can put it inside the display thingy in my purse and in my diary. What? Can’t a girl have a diary? I mean, it’s normal for us girl to have a diary… isn’t it? I make a surprising halt when I hear a cough coming from behind me. I gulp and turn around nervously.

    “Oh, you are so busted.” He says and smiles knowingly at me.

    “Busted? What are you talking about?” I say, trying to pull him off.

I laugh trying to hide the lies.

    “I'm talking about the picture of you and Harry that you took from Tim.” He says calmly and puts his arms around me.

    “I thought you already went on the tour bus with the rest of the boys.” I confess.

    “It’s alright, I won’t tell anyone. Do you like Harry, though?”

That question leaves me speechless.

    “I'll take it as a yes.” He says and walks past me.

    “No, Liam I don’t.” I say, defending myself.

    “I won’t tell unless you tell me too.” He says and chuckles slightly.

I enter the tour bus right after him and the guys look at us.

    “What?” I ask.

    “Where were you?” Harry asks.

    “I left something.” I explain.

Well, not really explaining, more like fibbing, I suppose.

    “So, what time is your concert?” I ask, changing the subject.

    “Yeah, what time?” Harry asks and nudges Louis.

All of them look at each other blankly. I shake my head slightly and open the tour diary on the counter of the mini kitchen.

    “It’s right in here, yet you guys can’t be bothered to look at it.” I say and fake disappointed.

They burst out laughing and Niall laughs the loudest.

    “I didn’t even know there’s a tour diary in here.” Niall says and fixes his hair by running his fingers through it.

I start laughing and put the diary back to where it was. I wipe the tears away from my eyes and sit on the couch.

    “And you guys have been on tour for like what, a year?”

I still find it quite amusing. The boys sit around me and look at me.

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