Chapter 1 Arriving at camp

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"Come on honey, it'll be fun!" Your mom said, you shook a little. You were used to being only around your parents, but the tables have turned. You shyly walked onto the bus, you were the only one there... That and there was a creepy bus driver with a hook. You fell asleep in your comfortable red hoodie, you woke up to hear a slight scream, along with some laughter. The bus driver opened the door.

"Kid's here." He said, you walked out of the bus to see a man and a trio of kids. The trio had two boys and a girl, one boy had brown hair, blue eyes and a sweater, the other boy had black hair and light green eyes, and the girl had green hair and pinkish eyes. The man with reddish hair and green eyes got up with a big smile on his face, he walked up to you and gave you the friendliest smile you've seen.

"Hello new camper!" The man with the red hair said, you assumed he was a camp counselor."I'm David! The best camp counselor!"

"The hell is this?" The kid with the black hair asked David.

"This is Miss (Y/n)!" David replied happily,"I remember that you signed up for arts and crafts!" You nodded shyly, David patted your head in response."Don't be shy camper! Camp Campbell is the place where your true self can bloom!!"

"Welcome to hell," The kid with the black hair said.

"Max! Language!" David said,"Your a bad influence in our new camper already! You already influenced Nikki and Neil!"

"That means you'll have four bastards to deal with,"Max said back with a shrug. You noticed a boy standing next to you, drawing something. He was drawing a weird looking flower, but other than that it was pretty good. You watched him while David and the trio were arguing about language.

"N-Nice drawing..." You stuttered.

"Why thank you!" The boy replied in a German accident,"Are you new here?"

"Y-Yeah," You replied."Are y-you in a-arts and c-crafts?" The boy nodded in response."I-I am t-too, can y-you sh-show me a-around the c-camp?"

"Sure! Then I can teach you my artistic ways!" The boy responded happily,"And your name is...?"

"(Y/n), y-yours?" You said.

"Dolph!" The boy replied, then you slipped away and Dolph showed you around the camp. You thought Dolph was happy to have someone with artistic passion like him to be with him. He then showed you to your tent, and you unpacked. You then felt someone staring at you while you were unpacking, you turned to see that kid... Max, looking like he was scheming something...

"So, (Y/n) was it?" Max asked, you nodded slowly."You know, you seem like someone that would be easy to control."

"W-What?" You stuttered.

"So here's how this is gonna work, you do what I say, I won't yell at ya, got it?" Max said, you shook your head slightly."No? I think you're missing the point sweet cheeks, I won't just yell at ya. You honestly don't wanna know. And if you tell David, I'll ruin your life. And don't think I can't, because boy, I CAN. So, we gotta deal?" You did nothing."Good, now... Have a good nights sleep, you'll need it for what I'm putting you through tomorrow. Sweet nightmares~"

To be Le continued~ (Sorry if dis sucked, my first camp camp thingy :T)

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