Chapter 8 The Theme

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You were learning some about Nerris's interests until David kicked down the door.

"JESUS David." Max said, "You on another fucking sugar rush?"

"Nope! Today is theme day!" David said.

"What?" Jasper asked himself, "We never even had a theme day."

"What's the theme?" Neil asked, "It better not be something embarrassing.."

"Well, it's a surprise!" David said, "Pretty much you dress up as our theme and whoever is the cutest wins something special!"

"Pick a partner so we can get this over with..." Gwen said. Max immediately went over and grabbed your arm. Once everyone found their partners, David handed all of you a box. You and Max shrugged and decided to look in it.... Max's eyes widened and your face turned red.

"A WEDDING THEME?!" Max shouted. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"Max! Language!" David said, "Anyway... Who ever is the cutest couple wins! Wins... Hmm.... I guess double dessert and something special! But this is something you have to try, so go on and get dressed!"
You slipped into the dress, you walked outside to see Nikki wearing the tuxedo while Neil was wearing a dress. You giggled.

"Neil, why are you wear a-a dress?" You asked.

"Nikki guilt tripped me into it..." Neil replied.

"FEAR ME!!!! FOR I AM THE GROOM!" Nikki shouted picking up Neil bridal style. Nikki ran off with Neil screaming like a girl. You felt eyes looking at you, so you turned around. Max... Was... Kinda hot, he was just staring at you.

"M-Max, heh... You look g-good in a suit." You said (He's wearing the suit in the picture above.).

"You look good in a dress too.." Max said back scratching his head, "So... Uh... How exactly do we be cute?"

"I-I dunno." You replied turning red. Max took your hand making you turn into a tomato.

"I guess we start with this..." Max said, after awhile you two calmed down.. Then you just acted like normal, but of course when David was watching you two decided to act like a couple chatting. After the day was over David called everyone to the mess hall.

"Alrighty then! In third place is Nikki and Neil!" David said.

"YEAH! TOLD YOU REVERSE WAS THE GOOD IDEA!" Nikki shouted punching Neil's arm.

"In second place is Nerris and Harrison!" David said, they acted like grumbled... They only chose each other because there was no one left. It's not they like each other or anything! BAKA! (I mean, I had to put a tsndere couple in here.) "And in first is Max and (Y/n)!"

"WOW, we didn't even try." Max said, "So what's the fuckin' prize? Another bonfire?"

"Nope!" David replied.

"S'mores?" Max asked.

"Nope!" David replied.

"Alright then what the fuck is it?" Max asked.

"You kiss your partner!" David replied, Jasper bursted out laughing.

"I leave for one day! And you two gotta kiss!!!" Jasper laughed.

"Please David, tell me it's on the cheek." Max said, David shook his head. "FUCK."

"You heard the man!" Jasper said, "KISS." You two did nothing, you just stood with your faces red.

"You just need motivation!" David said, he winked at two of the kids and they pushed you two together... HOLY SHIT. It felt nice, but you were just so embarrassed... You could tell Max was too, and once Nerris and Harrison let you two decide for yourselves... Max went all out... Not kissing, but he was PISSED. You had to hold Max back again.

"FUCK! LET ME AT 'EM!" Max shouted struggling, "I'LL KILL HIM!!!!!!" You decided to kiss him on the cheek to calm him down, it seemed to always work. It did and Jasper was laughing his ass off in the back behind David.

"Man I shoulda stayed to see you two!!!!" Jasper said, "I'm now a fan!"

"I'm going to bed..." Max said.

To be le continued~

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