Chapter 14 The New Dad

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You woke up feeling weak, and hot, you shook but you weren't cold. You shrugged it off and went to the kitchen, you made toast and cereal. But... The problem was that you poured milk on your toast and butter in your cereal.

"Uhhh...." You turned to see Max in his PJs, and staring at you. "(Y/n)... What the fuck are you even doing?" You realized what you were doing and stopped.

"O-Oh! Sorry! I'm just sleepy...!" You said, Daniel stood behind Max and tilted his head.

"Then why are you shaking...?" Daniel asked.

"I'm cold!" You replied. David then walked in the room, he walked to you and felt your forehead.

"Oh goodness! You're warm!" David said.

"Hm, just cold huh?" Max asked you. (Fun fact, autocorrect tried to put smashed instead of ask. Then me be like... FUCK GO BACK.)
David put a thermometer in your mouth and you all waited..... '100F'. Daniel picked you up and laid you in bed.

"B-But I have to go to school t-today...!" You stuttered.

"No way," Daniel said. You fell down flat on your face (CHILD) "David, I'll stay home today. You go on ahead to work and stuff." Max glared at Daniel. "Max for the last time I'm not going to take over her brain."

"What ever..." Max mumbled, after David and Max left, Daniel turned to you.

"(Y/n), stay in bed. I'll make some soup for ya." Daniel said, you did what he said and stayed in bed. He came in a few minutes later with some soup and some medicine, oh god.... "Medicine first, then you can have the soup." You shook your head, there was no way you were putting THAT in your mouth. Daniel rolled his eyes and stuck the spoon in your mouth while you let your guard down. It tasted like death.... (I know how that feels)

"I-It tastes like d-death...." You stuttered.

"That means it's good medicine," Daniel said. Daniel came to check on you every now and then, he changed your cold rag, asked if you needed anything, just like a real Father.... You wondered why he changed. And so you decided to ask him.

"H-Hey Daniel....?" You said, he turned to you and have a hum. "H-How come y-you were i-in a cult....? B-But if you d-don't want to a-answer it's ok.....!"

"No, I do owe you an explanation." Daniel said, and you listened. "Listen.... I was born into the cult, I was taught to think the way I do. One day, the leader of the cult wanted me to kill him. He said that I was doing him a favor, and so... I did. Every time I killed someone, I thought it was the right thing. Well, until Davey came along.... He explained everything.... And I regretted everything I did. I'm sorry...."

"O....M....G!!!!!!!" You heard a familiar voice shout. It was Jasper, he was back! "Miss me?"

"It's ok....." You said, you side hugged Daniel. And he side hugged you with his arm.

"Aw..... AW CRAP I'M CRYING!!!!" Jasper said. You tried not to giggle.

"So (Y/n), who's the ghost kid?"

To be le continued~

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