Chapter 7 Jasper, the radical ghost

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You watched Harrison's magic tricks at evening time, you didn't know if that nightmare was true... But if it was, you had to help that boy! So while everyone was sleeping, you took a boat that lead to spooky island. You looked around, it suddenly became cold, you turned around to see that boy in your dream. You gasped in surprise.

"I-It's you..." You stuttered.

"Yeah..." The boy replied, "The name's Jasper! I'm uh, a ghost..."

"I know," You said. "But you seem like a-a nice g-ghost!"

"I-I don't like to scare people!" Jasper said back, "I just need a friend... I've been so lonely...."

"I-I can be your friend!" You said happily, Jasper looked up smiling.

"Really?!" Jasper responded, you nodded. "Thank you!"

"H-How about I take you to camp?" You asked, "I mean... O-One of these nights I'm g-gonna get caught seeing you..."

"Oh... Sure, it'd be nice to see Davey again...." Jasper replied almost crying, you hugged him... You were honestly surprised you could. Before you went to the island you saw David's memories... Jasper was in that picture.... You fell asleep right then and there, and Jasper pretty much waited until you woke up.

The next morning...

Jasper got impatient and poked you awake.

"I-I'm up!" You said, Jasper chuckled to himself.

"Pffft! Now I wanna wake you up all the time!" Jasper said, you then heard shouting from camp.

"(Y/N)!" Someone shouted.

"Woah, Davey sure got louder huh?" Jasper asked, you giggled and nodded. You took the boat back to camp with Jasper following you, and as soon as you got to camp... BOY.

"(Y/n)!!!!!" David shouted, he hugged you tightly, you made a squeaky noise. "THANK S'MORES YOU'RE ALRIGHT!!!" You looked at Jasper, who shrugged.

"Davey can't see or hear me, but I'm kinda used to it." Jasper said, "Other people can't see me either. Because you know, your kinda the only one I trust right now... SOOO."

After David put you down Max grabbed your shirt.

"Where... WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?" Max asked angrily.

"LANGUAGE!" Jasper said.

"I-I... S-Slept walked..." You lied.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING LIE." Max said. "WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?" Yeah, Max was pissed.

"Ya know you can tell them," Jasper said. "But they probably wouldn't believe you either." So you stayed quiet, Max finally let you go and walked away.

"Where were you?" Dolph asked, you slightly pointed to spooky island. "You should've just said so!"

"Max wouldn't have taken it..." You said, and Dolph stayed quiet knowing you had a good point. Jasper watched you as you all did activities, Jasper laughed as some kids failed.

"Man, Davey's grown so much.." Jasper said, you smiled. Max didn't talk to you the rest of the day, so you tried to...

"Max...?" You said, he didn't even look in your direction. "I-I... I'm s-sorry..."

"For what?" Max responded.

"For leaving..." You replied. "I understand i-if you can't trust me... S-So I'll j-just leave..." Max quickly reacted by grabbing your arm.

"OOOOOOOOOOOO!" Jasper said, "MAX AND (Y/N) SITTIN' IN A TREE!" You blushed knowing Jasper was watching.

"Don't leave..." Max said, "Sorry... I-I overreacted... I was just worried, and you probably had a good reason." You stayed quiet. "It's because of Jasper right?"

"H-How did you..." Max stopped you.

"You were mumbling his name in your sleep, saying you wanted to help him and shit." Max said. "So there."

"RADICAL!" Jasper said, "HE KNEW!" Max then squeezed your arm, you and Jasper tilted heads. He pulled you and held you close. He rested his head on yours and sighed.

"Just fucking tell me next time," Max said. "I'd do anything to take a break from camp." You giggled.

"AWWW~!" Jasper said, "OH! I CALL BEING THE RADICAL UNCLE!" Your face turned red knowing what he meant.

"Uh, you gotta fever?" Max asked noticing you blushing.

"N-No!" You stuttered, you buried your face into Max's hoodie. And Max sighed and chuckled. You two fell asleep on each other. And David put a blanket over you two.

"I FREAKIN' SHIP IT." Nerris whispered.

"Me too!" Jasper whispered even though no one could hear him.

To be le continued~

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