Chapter 6 Sports day or somethin'

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You all woke up to a sound of a trumpet, you jumped up and Dolph fell out of his bed. You went outside to see the wood scouts, and the flower scouts.

"Good morning campers!" David said excitedly, "Today is sports day! Where you get to show off your athletic abilities!"

"David... WHAT THE FUCK?!" Max said angrily.

"We put of flyers this time," Gwen said. "So yeah..."

"SHIT." Everyone but you said.

The camp camp intro kicks in XD

You and Nikki were going for the three legged race, once David blew the whistle Nikki was technically the one who took off. You just tried to keep up with her pace, the two of you won, barely... The wood scouts almost beat you, zit face winked at you, and Max gave him a look.

After a few sports later... 'Cause I'm lazy 😀

Campbell vs The Wood scouts, it was a volleyball game! Max hated this, A LOT. He even had the same face on track.

(Dis face) But as you all played volleyball with Max, Dolph, Ered, and Nerris, something so embarrassing happened

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(Dis face) But as you all played volleyball with Max, Dolph, Ered, and Nerris, something so embarrassing happened. Pikeman bounced the ball into Max, he did a cool jump stunt to hit it. But as he started to come down, he fell right on top of you. (JEEZUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY) It took a moment to realize... But Max and you finally separated quickly with red tomato faces.

"YOU..." Max said angrily shooting a look at Pikeman, "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" You and Dolph held him back while he squirmed and cussed at Pikeman.

"Max! C-Calm down!" You stuttered, Max did NOT calm down. So you decided to use your secret weapon... "Chu~!" Yep, you kissed him on the cheek. (NO LIPS YET PEEPS) Max stopped in his tracks, he seemed calmer now. But he looked at you, face all red. Then he just walked away, you decided to just shrug it off. You decided to take a little hike out in the woods to relax, take a breather. You were thinking about camp, David, Max, everybody really. Even though they acted like douchebags, they were kinda nice. You were soon grabbed by a man in a black coat.

"Well well, look what we have here~" The stranger said, "A girl walking in the woods by herself, how STUPID." Your instincts started to kick in...

"MAX!" You shouted at the top of your lungs, "DAVID! ANYONE! HELP!!!" The stranger then put his hand over your mouth.

"SHUT IT BRAT." The stranger said angrily, you bit his hand and ran for it. You ran and ran, until you bumped into someone...

"The hell you doin' out here?" Max asked you, you saw David behind him.

"Yeah! Sports day isn't over yet! Even though it isn't your turn yet." David said, you hid behind Max, shaking... Max stared into the trees, so did David. That man came out and noticed Max and David.

"You must be... Uh... Drake?" The stranger stuttered.

"Alright pervert... LEAVE." Max said angrily, the stranger ran away. "(Y/n), you alright? Did he put his hands on you?"

"N-No..." You stuttered, you kissed him on the cheek. "But if it weren't for you I'd be tied up in a chair..."

"N-No prob!" Max said, "Besides, someone around this hellhole has to protect you! And I don't have anything else to do!" After that you continued sports day, Campbell came in first! Yay! Then you had a bonfire, and while you slept in your tent... You had a nightmare...

In the nightmare...

"Y/n) help..." the boy said, he had a bear scratch in his chest... You cried.

"W-What do I do?!" You asked the boy.

"Go to spooky island when the moon is full, we'll t-talk there..." The boy replied sadly, and you woke up... You looked around panicking... You snuck over to Max's tent, Max was actually still up.

"(Y/n), the hell you doin' up?" Max asked you.

"I-I... Had a n-nightmare..." You replied wiping a tear from your face, Max rolled his eyes and scooted over and patted a spot next to him.

"C'mere crybaby, you can sleep with me." Max said, you rushed over and held onto Max. "Woah, was it really that bad?"

"Max, when's the next full moon?" You asked.

"Tomorrow, why?" Max replied.

"Oh, it's nothing." You fell asleep in his chest, Max turned deep red. He laid you down and cuddled you.

"Psh, night knot head..." Max whispered.

To be le continued~

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