Chapter 11 Summer's almost over... FUCK.

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You, Max, Bagel, and Jasper were under a tree, you were drawing while Max was watching. Your wrist was healed by now.

"Summer's almost over huh?" Max asked you, "Just another week... Then poof, back to school." You flinched, you didn't want to go back to your parents...

"Y-Yeah... Heh, school sucks..." You replied.

"UGH, tell me about it." Max said, "It's just so awful!"

"The smelly t-teachers..." You stuttered.

"And the disgusting food, this camp's shit is better than that." Max said, you all bursted out laughing.

"Legit! School was way worse back in my time!" Jasper said. You all fell silent, the sun started to set.

"Scratch that, six days we have left in this hellhole," Max said. "(Y/n), uh... I gotta... Tell you... Something.... Important..." You tilted your head while Jasper's eyes turned to stars.

"W-What is it?" You asked.

"W-Well.." Max stuttered, "It's nothing!"

"O-Ok..." You stuttered.


"Well, there's a fucking end of summer dance today..." Max mentioned, "Wanna come be my dance partner?" You nodded. "Not like I wanna dance or anything! But... Eh, it's the end... Gotta make the most of it huh?" (WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO! WE GOTTA TSNDERE HERE!!!!!)

"Yeah!" You said.

"Welp, c'mon." Max said taking your hand, "We gotta dance to go to." Your face turned red, Bagel yipped.

"Y-You too!" You said to Bagel.

"I SENSE CANON." Jasper said, you turned red.

"Jasper p-please..." You whispered. After you and Max danced while David played the guitar, Max led you to the back closet. You were a little confused, and Jasper was fan girling behind you.

"Uh.... *Ahem!*" Max started taking your hand. "We've known each other for awhile now right?" You nodded. "Well... I.... I.... Uh...."

"W-What is it Max?" You asked tilting your head cutely. Pink dusted Max's cheeks. He suddenly kicked your leg, causing you to fall backwards. He caught you at the best time.

"Ya know what?" Max asked himself, he looked at you. "FUCK IT." He leaned down gave you a kiss on the lips, Jasper held up tiny blue flags.

"IT'S CANON BITCHES!!!!" Jasper shouted, it took awhile... But you kissed back, which surprised Max so he pulled away.

"Well, u-uh... That w-was unexpected..." Max stuttered.

"I-I've actually liked you f-for awhile too..." You said, Max looked surprised.

"Really?" Max asked you, you nodded. "O-Oh... So we a thing now or....?"

"Y-Yeah.... I guess so..." You stuttered, it was quiet... For Max, for you however, you heard Jasper doing unholy screaming. He was like a fan girl who had just seen their yaoi ship come true. (Why...?) You came out of the closet and continued the night... Jasper still waved the tiny flags and fan girled the WHOLE time.

To be le continued~ (YUS, there shall be other parts to dis. It ain't over yet peeps!) k

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