Chapter 12 Dadvid!!!

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You, Max, and David waved goodbye to Nikki while her mom took her home.

"Bye guys!" Nikki shouted, "See ya next summer!"

"B-Bye Nikki!" You shouted back.

"Now we wait until your parents come get you two!" David said happily. It was afternoon, sunset, now night time... You and Max sat side by side, with Bagel sitting next to you. You were a little sad after Jasper went to peace, but at least he wasn't alone anymore. (Ow... My heart...) You heard multiple steps, you saw your parents, along with Max's... They looked as if they didn't want to do this. Yours and Max's Parents grabber your hoodie collars and started to drag you both away from each other. Tears fell from your eyes. Bagel bit your father's leg.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!" Your father said kicking Bagel away, David grabbed Max's and your father's shirts.

"Alrighty, I don't think you can take these children home!" David said.

"Psh, and why not?" Max's mother asked.

"Dragging then away by their collars, showing up at midnight, and kicking a baby fox is never a good sign!" David replied. Both of your fathers got up in his face, they had a stare off. They both punched David, (YOU BITCHES.) and drove off. You were now in David's car.

"D-David..." You stuttered holding onto Max in the back seat. "Y-You didn't have to..."

"Hey," David said. "You two could stay with me, if you want to." You two gasped in surprise. You and Max unbuckled your seatbelt and hugged David. David hugged back and smiled.

"Thanks...." Max said crying, "Dad..." David stopped and got both of you milkshakes and you went home... Your true home. With Bagel as your pet, or child, either one.

Le end...... (OW!!! MY FUCKING HEART!!!!! IT HURTS!!!!!!)

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