Chapter 9 We're parents now!!

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You were on David's shoulders having a good time, you were giggling and everything.

"There! See? Your true self is staring to shine!" David said as he spun you around.

"I-I guess so!" You giggled.

"Ugh, David, (Y/n), can't you two stop giggling so much?" Max said, "I hate it."

"Now now Max," David said back. "(Y/n) is showing her true self! Don't you want to see it? Or... ARE YOU JELLY?" Jasper bursted out laughing.

"WHAT?" Max asked, "ME? JEALOUS? NO." Your face turned red while David put you down.

"How about this? You two can't leave each other's side!" David said happily.

"David, for the love of fuck stop trying to put me and her together!" Max said, "I ain't jealous! I'm not in LOVE! She's my friend that I respect, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!"

"Love that energy Max!" David said, "Keep it up!"

"Pffffffffffffftttttt!" Jasper said covering his mouth about to bust into laughter again. "OH MY GOD!!!!"

"C-Calm down..." You whispered.

"What?" Jasper said calmly. Max just walked away, yeah he had a bad day. You heard something whimpering, and followed it... OH MY GOD... There was a lost baby fox in a bush, you picked up the little thing. It looked at you up and down for a split second... Then it nuzzled you and actually purred. You turned to David with puppy eyes, no one could resist them.

"C-Can we keep him?" You asked with those puppy eyes.

"Well... Alright!" David replied, "Just don't let the platypus kick it." (Ok, who will that little cinnamon roll fox be named?) The baby fox cuddled into your hoodie, OH MY GOD HE WAS CUTE.

"What the fuck is that?" Max asked you.

"A-A baby f-fox I found!" You replied, "D-David let me k-keep him!" The baby fox squeaked at Max saying hello. Max fell silent as you patted the fox's head.

"Uh huh," Max mumbled. "H-Hi...?"

"M-Max..." You stuttered, Max looked at you in response. "W-Will you help m-me raise it...? Y-You can be the D-Dad and I-I can b-be the M-Mom!"

"AND I ALREADY CALLED RADICAL UNCLE!" Jasper shouted. The baby fox could actually see Jasper too, which didn't surprise him. Max turned deep red.

"Why me?!" Max asked embarrassed.

"N-Nikki told me y-you were a-a decent p-parent..." You stuttered, Max gave Nikki a look. "B-But if y-you don't want t-to that's o-ok... I can g-get Harrison o-or Preston..." While you were about to walk away, Max grabbed your arm.

"F-Fine.... But I ain't changing its diaper!" Max said. You smiled and hugged him. While the baby fox licked his face, turns out the baby fox could eat the quarter master's food, so you thankfully didn't have to kill any rabbits. But Max would've been more than happy to do that. Max and the fox were asleep after a long day, and so you decided to take another walk with Jasper.

"So? Was I a radical uncle?!" Jasper asked you, you giggled and nodded. But you tripped on a tree root and fell down a hill, Jasper quickly floated towards you. "Are you alright?!" You looked at your wrist, it was sprained. "OOOOOHHHHHHHH.... Uh, you're not screaming... DANG YOU'RE TOUGH!"

"Y-Yeah, but I-I should go on ahead and get it patched up...." You stuttered holding back tears. IT HURT LIKE SHIT, Gwen patched it up for you.

"Hey, at least it wasn't fuckin' broken." Gwen said, you nodded in agreement.

"Damn it, I take my eyes off you for one second.." Max said, "And you sprain your fuckin' wrist. Jesus (Y/n), you always get hurt or somethin'?" You had a flash back of your parents, which got you a terrified look.

"N-No... I guess i-it's just bad l-luck." You replied. Max, grumbled, he didn't see the terrified look, but Jasper did. After Gwen patched you up Max grabbed your other hand.

"You ain't leaving my side for awhile, GOT IT?" Max said, you nodded while the baby fox climbed on your shoulders. Maybe this camp wasn't so bad after all....

To be le continued~

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