Chapter 10 Take a break (Y/n)...

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(It's based off of this XXXDDDD)

You were drawing a picture of a flower, and Dolph gave you a face.

"What're you doing?" Dolph asked you, you turned to him.

"D-Drawing...?" You stuttered.

"You're supposed to rest!" Dolph said. "(Y/n) your hand!"

"D-Don't worry Dolph, I'll be o-ok..." You said back, Dolph have you a face. "Don't g-give me that l-look.." Dolph grabbed your other arm.

"GO REST!" Dolph shouted, "You can draw after your wrist feels better."  And Bagel The baby fox whimpered. You ignored them and Dolph walked off to find Max.

"Max," Dolph said.

"What now tiny Hitler?" Max asked.

"(Y/n)'s pushing herself again!" Dolph said. Max slammed his fist on the table.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Max shouted, Max stomped over to you, he gave you a mad look.

"W-What?" You stuttered, Max grabbed your leg and pulled you.

"(Y/N)! REST!!!" Max shouted

"AHH! I'm s-sorry Max! I PROMISE I-I'LL GO TO SLEEP TH-THIS TIME!! J-JUST LET ME F-FINISH MY DRAWING!!! M-MAX!!!" You shouted. Max threw you over his shoulder and walked away leaving your drawing. Jasper phased through the mess hall yawning, then he heard you shouting. "W-WAIT MAX! I-I'LL GO T-TO SLEEP!!! J-JUST LET F-FINISH MY DRAWING!!! M-MAX!!!" Jasper watched Max carry you off, Jasper put on a hat and phased back into the mess hall. (LEGIT MY LIFE)

"Jesus (Y/n)," Max said. "That picture important?"

"N-No... You just s-surprised me..." You said, "I-I honestly didn't m-mean to scream like that..."

"Well, you need a break." Max said, he flipped you bridal style. You turned a deep red. "We care, and I guess I care... About ya, so don't go tripping all the time. I'll tuck you in if needed."

"M-Max, put me d-down please..." You stuttered turning redder.

"NUPE." Max said sprinting to the tent while you mentally screamed.

That was just for fun!!! WEEEE!

To be le continued~

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