Chapter 3 Why...?

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"Alrighty kids! Now we just go home!" David said,"To camp that is." Everyone groaned again, after about ten minutes of hiking, everyone heard a growl.. Everyone turned around to see a huge grizzly bear, it was about to go for Max because he was the closest. You had to do something! You jumped in the way, and in return... The bear clawed you, it hurt... You wanted to throw up, but had no control... It was the worst pain you've felt in your life... But you thought while you were holding your wound... Max would be in this pain, and he looked to be already suffering...

"W-What...?" Max stuttered, surprised by you saved him."W-Why...?"

"B-Because... *Cough!* You w-were suffering before... I-I don't w-want you s-suffering anymore..." You replied coughing out blood. Nikki fought off the bear, and Maz cradled you unconscious body in his arms, then he picked you up, with a blank expression.

"LET'S GO!!!" David shouted crying a little, Max ran with you in his arms, leaving a trail of blood... They got you into the camp's emergency room... David and Gwen did their best to patch you up, everyone left but Max... He needed to know... WHY? Why was his life spared? Why did you do what you did..? Why..?

3 days later...

You woke up dizzy, and gripped your chest in pain. You remembered the attack, you were cut by a bear saving someone. You felt relieved, for Max... That he didn't get hurt, you heard the door open, and pretended to sleep. Someone walk towards your bed and sat in the chair next to your bed. It was quiet for awhile...

"Why...?" The familiar voice asked you, you recognized the voice to be Max's."Why did you save me back there...? I teased you, and yet..." You could hear him... Crying a little."I don't deserve to be spared! I deserved to get cut by that dumb bear, because I actually did things... Not you... In fact, I made your life even more SHITTY... I make everything worse..."

"Th-That's not t-true..." You stuttered, it hurt to talk... But you at least made some voice, you reached for his hand, and grasped it weakly."No one makes th-things worse... The w-world does... I-It's not your f-fault... Max..." You turned and smiled at him shyly...

"But... WHY DID TOU SAVE ME?!" Max asked,"You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me..."

"Because, y-you w-were suffering... That's w-what people d-do when they're mean..." You replied,"That's at least what I-I think..."

"OH MY GOD!!!" You heard a familiar voice shout, it was David, looking worried."YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!"

"We can't afford to lose another kid..." You heard Gwen whisper.

"GWEN!" David shout,"I'm so glad you're ok!" You saw Max walk out of the room, with a blank face... You tried to sit up, wanting to go after him... But the scratch stopped you."Careful! You still need time to heal!" While in camp like hospital, Dolph always brung you paper t entertain yourself with. After you would actually move around, you asked Dolph to help you around the camp, he nodded in response.

"Well, look who's outta the hole!" Nikki said,"Soooo, what's it like being clawed by a hungry bear?! Does it hurt?! Do you feel more confident with your life?!"

"Y-Yeah... I-It hurt..." You stuttered,"B-But I'm ok n-now! A-At least I c-can move a-around.."

"Uh huh," You head a familiar voice say. You turned to see Max, looking grumpy as usual."Look, I'm bored with you. So, no more favors, got it?" You nodded."C'mon guys, let's go tie the quarter master to the ceiling again."

"YES!!!!" Nikki shouted running towards the quarter master pounding him to the ground. You stood there with Dolph holding you up, he looked kind of jealous.

"H-Hey, u-uh... You c-can go if y-you want." You said, Dolph gave you a look.

"You sure? You're still wobbly." Dolph asked, you nodded in response. Dolph went on ahead and helped tie up the quarter master, while you sat under a tree drawing. After an hour or so you heard footsteps, you looked up to see David carrying Max. You tilted your head, wondering why David was doing that.

"Oh! (Y/n), can you watch Max for a moment?" David asked you,"He tried escaping camp again... So watch him!" David then sprinted off, while you held Max's sleeve.

"Uuuhhhhhhh..... The hell you doing?" Max said giving you a look.

"D-David said to w-watch you...." You stuttered,"S-So... I'm not l-letting you go."

"Ha! You barely can punch someone!" Max said back amused."You just booped my nose!"

"I-I don't like hurting people..." You said.

"You hurt yourself though." Max said,"Giant bear and everything. Just don't do it again, all that blood made Space Kid puke."

"Heheh~! O-Ok.." You giggled.

To be Le continued~

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