Chapter 13 Wait...... MARRIED?!

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You and Max weren't really step brother and sister, because David did something at the court so you two could be in love. But David had been disappearing a lot, and so Max decided to find out. One night when David came home, Max was waiting for him on the couch while you were watching TV.

"Ok Dad, where the fuck do you go at night?" Max asked. David had a tomato face, and seemed to be covering his neck, Max removed the scarf.... There were several hickeys on his neck, Max paused and you turned deep red. "WHAT, THE. FUCK?!"

"I guess it's time..." David said, "I may or may not be dating Daniel...." You froze.

"W-Why...?" You asked.

"He's changed!" David said, "He was forced into a cult! And he thought what he did was the right thing...."

"So you have gay sex with him?" Max said.

"W-Well..." David stuttered. You thought for a moment, forced into it.... Taught it... Oh...... That explains it. "And he proposed to me while we were.... UM..."

"And you said yes didn't you?" Max asked. David nodded slowly. Max looked at you, and you gave him pleading eyes, you would give him a chance, Max sighed.

"He messes up, I stab him." Max said.


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