Chapter 2 The devil himself...

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The next day...

You walked towards the mess hall where Max told you to meet the trio. And of course, he was there, with a devilish face.

"Oh, ya made it. Good," Max said with a smirk. You gulped on what they were going to do to you.

"Max, are you sure this is a good idea?" The boy you assumed to be Neil asked.

"Ya can't find someone like her everyday, it's hard to get people to do whatever you want." Max said,"Besides, it's nothing harmful."

"Oh! Are we gonna make her steal things?!" Nikki asked excitedly.

"Maybe," Max said."So (Y/n), you do what we ALL say, not just me. ALL, got it?" You nodded slowly,"Good. Now, I'll go first." Max thought for a moment,"You know, I'm feeling extra hungry, give me your breakfast once we get in the cafeteria, and some black coffee."

"B-But..." You stuttered, then Max gave you a look that made you shake. Neil looked a little nervous, nervous for you that was."O-Ok..." You gave Max your breakfast, and the coffee he asked for, or demanded. You walked around the camp, while everyone else was eating, until you bumped into a pair of legs.

"(Y/n), what in the name of pine are you doing here?" David asked.

"I-I'm not h-hungry..." You lied,"I just gave Max m-my breakfast...."

"Well I'm glad you two are getting along!" David said happily,"Sometimes he has trouble meeting new people! Anyway, after breakfast is over we're going hiking! And you need some food and water to go with you, because we're going on a picnic!!! To the best place I know!"

"W-We had to b-bring food?" You asked.

"What? Oh! Not to camp!" David replied,"Gwen covered that! Like, trail mix or something that gets you in the hiking spirit! You can eat on breaks or while you walk!"

"M-My d-dad did p-pack some t-trail mix a-and water..." You said.

"Great!" David said back,"Meet me in the center of the camp! Then our adventure will begin!!" Then David ran off, you sighed, stomach growling.

"Are you hungry?" A familiar German accent asked you, you nodded shyly, about to cry almost."I snuck out some food and orange juice! Want some?" You nodded, you took some bacon, two biscuits, and some juice. Dolph was really nice, even though he had some quirks... Well, everyone had their own quirk, except Max... You didn't know his, neither did you want to find out... You didn't like Max much, he was a meanie! You almost cried just thinking about him. Dolph noticed you crying and gave you a sad look.

"O-Oh, it's nothing..." You stuttered.

"If anyone is messing with you, let me know." Dolph said,"You're the only one here that has the same passion for art as me! And artists stay together!!"


"Alrighty kids!" David said standing next to another counselor who you assumed was Gwen, because she was carrying a huge backpack of food."Who's ready to have an adventure?" Everyone groaned, David looked sad for a moment, until you raised your hand, shaking a little. David's spirits were then lifted up seeing your hand. Everyone just stared at you, except Dolph, he was a good friend.

"I-I'm r-ready..." You stuttered.

"Just for that (Y/n), double dessert!!" David said happily.

"Ooohhh! Lucky you!" Dolph said.

"I-I'll share with y-you." You said shyly, Dolph smiled in response. You all then continued with the hiking trip, after about fifteen minutes, it started to rain. Of course you were prepared, you got out your umbrella and held it over you and Dolph, while everyone was getting soaked. Some kids tried to get under the umbrella with you, but the trio pushed them out of the way, Max and his gang that was. You decided to carry
Dolph on your shoulders since he was smaller and lighter, so he was dry.

"You came prepared huh?" Max asked you, you nodded shyly.

"Well, I'm glad you did (Y/n)!" Neil said trying to be nice to you. You slightly smiled in return."We all would've been soaked!"

"Yeah! I like mud though..." Nikki said to herself.

"Nikki! We talked about mud!" David said,"Not until we get to the picnic area. After about twenty minutes of walking (JEEZUS) you finally got to the area and it stopped raining. You put your umbrella away, and Dolph hopped off your shoulders. While Max grabbed your shirt, making you face him.

"So, ya got double dessert?" Max asked with an evil grin. You fought back by slightly booping his nose. You kept doing it, then you started to pat him, trying to hit him."Damn your weak as hell..." You gulped, hitting him a tiny bit harder, to him it felt like just tiny pats. You stopped after you realized it wouldn't work, you tried something else, pushing him away. But you were just holding his chest with others' view. Nikki chuckled to herself."The hell's so funny?"

"You two are in L.O.V.E!!!!! Nikki said, Max dropped you and you fell to the ground.

"What?!" Max shouted, you took your chance to run to David, you knew being around him meant Max wouldn't try anything, or so you thought... You didn't really know... Max noticed you gone."SHIT..."

"Max come on," Neil said."Give her a break, she probably has enough shit to deal with in her life, I don't think she needs more shit."

"She'll just have to deal.." Max said, Max started to walk towards you, having a devilish grin, you pointed to David, who was busy setting things up. You were telling Max he wouldn't hurt you because of David, Max shrugged in response, telling you he didn't care. You then hid under the table, even though Max saw you. He took your leg and dragged you struggled.

"What in the dilly dally is going on here?!" David asked in front of Max.

"We're playing drag tag, ya tag and drag people." Max said.

"Oh! Ok! Have fun you two!" David said walking away.

"Sucker." You heard Max say under his breath. He let you go and made sure you wouldn't go anywhere."So (Y/n), what should we nickname you?"

"N-Nickname?" You asked, Max nodded.

"We need to call you something besides your real name." Max said,"Maybe shit, trash, or something that'll get on your nerves. Hmm..." You stood up and ran to Dolph."How a- SHIT SHE RAN AGAIN!!!! Why didn't you two do anything?!"

"Wait she ran?" Nikki asked.

"YES!" Max replied angrily.

"I don't feel like running." Neil said,"Just let her go Max. Let her be shitless, it's not that hard."

"Shut the hell up," Max said, and Neil didn't say a word. You drew with Dolph, flowers, animals, and other things too. You drew some of the campers and counselors, you drew David and Gwen. You were going to give everyone a picture, even Max and his friends. Even though they teased you, you knew they had good in them, Neil showed it, Nikki kind of showed it by letting you go, and Max... Well, he didn't show much, but you still wanted to draw him, after you were done, you made backgrounds for the portraits. Like a campground for David, space for Space Kid, and a forest for Nikki. You gave Dolph his picture, he smiled in return.

"This looks cool!" Dolph said,"Almost as good as mine!" You smiled and blushed, not by crush thingy though... Just getting a compliment made you redder than a tomato, then you gave the counselors theirs.

"Wowie! You are an amazing drawer (Y/n)!" David said."Love the background!"

"Nice kiddo," Gwen said. You gave everyone else's drawings, they all liked it, especially that wizard girl. Now it was time to give Max and his gang some drawings.

"Oh, back already?" Max asked teasingly,"You afraid we're g-" You shoved the picture in Max's face, along with Neil's and Nikki's, then you sprinted off.

"Wow! Not bad!" Neil said,"She must've took time drawing these! I love my science background, man I wish I was this portrait..." Max just stared at it, surprised, after what he did to you... You drew this for him? Why? And it was good too, nothing really negative either, the Max in this picture was slightly smiling, not too much to where it would be creepy. Max just stuck it in his hoodie pocket, not saying anything.

"Sooooooo, wanna go play games on Neil's computer?" Nikki asked, Max shrugged and nodded, thoughts still clouded about why you did that for him... Why did you...?

To be continued~

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