Chapter 4 The OTHER David

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(I laughed at the video, YES IT DO!!!!)

You walked around the camp, with Max... Why? Honestly, he was just following you around. He said he just wanted an excuse to get out of activities and told David he would keep an eye on you. Max stopped in his tracks, horrified by what was in front of the two of you.... You looked to see someone with blonde hair and blue eyes, and pretty much looked like David.

"WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK?!" Max almost shouted.

"Howdy there Max! It's been awhile huh?" The blonde man said, then he cracked his neck to you."Who's this young lady?"

"This is (Y/n)!" You heard David say from the distance,"Max! I'm giving Daniel another chance! He was such a great counselor last time, and is now free from the hospital! I'm so sorry about last episode Daniel, I hope being here will help make up for it!"

"Well David, friendship is more important!" Daniel said,"We'll work together this time instead of fight for who's best!"

"That's right!" David said back, they shook hands.


"How could such a nice man be in a mean thing?" David said poutingly,"I'm giving him another chance!"

"C'mon (Y/n), let's go somewhere LOGICAL." Max responded taking your hand, running off with you.

"M-Max, who w-was that guy...?" You asked running, your breath started to go faster, and Max let you rest.

"Can't even run a little?" Max asked you.

"N-Not with this scratch..." You replied catching your breath.

"Oh..." Max responded,"Forgot about that... That was Daniel, a FUCKING cult leader. Don't get near him, soon he'll have the whole camp like mindless zombies!"

"O-Ok..." You stuttered, you two hung out in the forest for awhile... Max not wanting to get near Daniel. But why take you with him?(BTW, sorry fan girls... No Daniel x David)"W-Why did you take m-me?" Max responded by grabbing your arm, pulling you towards the camp... Everyone was in white shirts and clothes, creepily smiling, even David...

"BECAUSE..." Max whispered,"You actually have LOGIC on your side, you don't fall for dumb things like these dumb asses. That's why, in a matter of seconds, they're all zombies. See what I mean new kid?" You nodded, shaking... Scared. You hugged Max, not letting go.

"I-I'm... S-Scared..." You whispered,"I don't w-want me or y-you to b-be turned i-into a zombie..." Max turned deep red.

"Uh huh, don't worry. We're getting outta here." Max said, until you heard a dark chuckle behind you. You turned in horror to see Daniel with the creepiest smile you've seen.

"Hello MAX, hello (Y/n)! You're just in time for the party!" Daniel said, Max responded by grabbing your arm and running off."Oh... Shy are we? WE can fix that. GET THEM."

"Join us," You heard David say. Max made a sharp turn and ran faster, you trying not to pass out. Until you were both tackled by Nikki, creepy Nikki. You were grabbed by Neil, and Nikki had Max.

"LET US GO!" Max shouted struggling, you however didn't struggle. With that claw Mark you couldn't do anything"I SWEAR IF YOU TURN ME INTO A ZOMBIE AGAIN I'M KICKING YOUR ASSES AFTER I'M CURED!" Daniel noticed you weren't struggling like Max was, he decided to test you. He snapped his fingers, and Neil let you go, you were surprised.. But didn't budge, Daniel had a dark, but confused chuckle."(Y/n)?! RUN!!!! YOU HAVE A CHANCE!!!!"

"I-I can't leave e-everyone... It'd b-be wrong.." You stuttered,"That a-and my bear c-claw mark." You showed the claw mark to Daniel, who just... Stared at it.

"Hmmm... I see, you have a mark and you don't want to leave your friends." Daniel said,"You know... I was going to kill them, but... We could have some use for you. So we're not going to turn you into one of use yet, but MAX. He'll be one of us."

"Hello (Y/n)," You heard a creepy voice say. You turned to see Max with a white hoodie, smiling widely.

"O-Oh god..." You stuttered,"L-Let him go!"

"I might consider it, if you do what I say~" Daniel said,(NOT A PEDO THINGY, and JEEZUS, everyone is making you do their bidding.)

"Come on (Y/n) dear~" Creepy Max said."It'll be fun~" He put his finger under your chin."Besides, it's a utopia! Everyone is happy~!" You pushed Max away.

"You're not Max," You said bravely. "The other Max would have made a comeback."

"Hmmm~" Daniel said, "That won't happen anymore~!" (YANDERE! STORY IDEA!) You thought to yourself... While you were standing by Daniel, on a made throne or something. You were looking at a bottle that Space Kid was putting up. It said 'Obviously the antidote'. That was it! You had a plan.... While everyone was resting, you would take the antidote and free everyone! That's when you acted like a normal person would in that situation...

At night time....

You were sleeping beside a creepy smiling Max, he arm wrapping around you, you were slightly embarrassed... But you knew this wasn't Max, actually, he had orders to make sure you wouldn't escape. So you took a body pillow, it was probably Max's... It didn't have anyone one on it though, you rolled out of his arm and replaced yourself with the pillow. You snuck the the mess hall, but Dolph and Erred were guarding it. So you decided the back way... Still guarded... By Nerris and Space Kid. You took a rock and threw it far, and the creepy zombies went that way. You got into the mess hall quietly, it was dark... REALLY dark...

"Want some light?" You heard a voice say. And all of a sudden, there Daniel was, smirking. You jumped in surprise and tried to make a run for it, but Max tackled you to the ground. (SHIT) "Awww! I thought you could've stayed yourself, but now that you disobeyed.... You'll become one of us!"

"NO. I'M... NOT!" You screamed kicking Max in the stomach, you ran for the bottle. Daniel was behind you. You grabbed it and took a sprayer, while running you poured the antidote in the spray bottle. And sprayed Space Kid, his eyes were back to normal!

"W-What? What's going on?" Space Kid asked you.

"It worked!" You said, you then sprayed the zombie army, along with Max and David.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Max yelled when you sprayed him,"I'M GONNA KILL DANIEL!!!!" You had to hold back Max in order for him to not kill Daniel. Then the next morning you sent the cult leader to the hospital. You noticed Max looked scarred for life.

"M-Max? You alright...?" You asked.


"You," You replied. Max turned red in embarrassment...

"Well campers... How about another hike?" David blurted out, and everyone groaned.

To be Le continued~

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