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" Where's the best strip clubs that's not to ratchet and people throw you money even though you don't know how to dance and not all the way naked " Dinah pushed the barber chair around in a half circle handing her client a mirror before looking up at the loud obnoxious woman sitting in the corner waiting for whoever she was waiting for " No I'm asking for a friend you know I ain't like that girl " the woman spoke into her phone while popping her gum causing Dinah to shake her head cause she knew for a Snapple fact she was indeed " Like that "

Dinah turned her focus back onto the younger boy just to see him turning his head side from side while smiling into the hand held mirror " You like it man " she asked while removing the cutting cape from around his neck causing his previous long hair to hit the ground " I like it but my three girlfriends are going to love it " the younger boy looked towards her with a toothy smile while handing her the mirror and hoping out of the chair.

She grabbed her broom that she always kept by her station " You standing here telling me you have three girlfriends meanwhile I can't even get one " She began sweeping glancing up at him every second or two to see he still had that same smile on his face " Yup I have three " he held three fingers up towards her " how did you get three girlfriends " she reached down for the dust pan and stood back up straight looking at the little boy.

She bent down and started to sweep the stray hair into a pile before pushing it into the dust pan " Well Melissa didn't like me at first until I started telling her jokes my mommy said girls like when you tell them jokes and she was right cause she asked me out the next day " he paused placing his hands into his pants pocket like he was grown " And then there's Jasmine I have the biggest heart eyes for her " he bounced back and forth on his heels causing Dinah to stand back up " what about the third one " Dinah asked while placing the broom back where it was and tossing the hair into a bag so She could flush it down the toilet later.

Her Nana once told her to never throw hair away it'll just cause a headache, but to flush it down the toilet for it caused good luck so that's what she had been doing ever since she was little " The third one name is Dominique that's my favorite she makes my face hurt a lot " He spoke with a wide smile causing Dinah to raise a brow up at him " She hits you? " she stepped closer towards him semi whispering just for him to rapidly shake his head " No silly " he giggled while lightly tapping Dinah's arm " She makes me smile like a whole lot " he stretched his arms out as far as they could go " Like this much " he wiggled his tiny fingers before placing his arms back down by his side.

Before Dinah could open up Her mouth to reply she noticed a woman who looked identical to the little boy standing in front of her indicating it was his mother " Hello you must be this little character sister " She stuck her hand out with a slight grin upon her face hoping she would catch the bait.

She took Dinah hand into her smaller one moving them up and down with a smile upon her face " Actually I'm his mother Samantha  " she slowly pulled her hand back placing it on top of her son head.

They looked at each other for a few seconds Dinah not once losing the flirtatious grin that was plastered on her face. Samantha finally looked down at her son " Tyler go get your stuff ready I'll be over there shortly " she spoke softly but yet sternly causing him to obey with what she just had said.

She watched him run over and gather his coloring books and crayons into his book bag before finally turning back to face Dinah " How much do I owe you " she spoke pulling her wallet out just for Dinah to gently grab her wrist " Nothing you fine he was quite the entertainer that was payment enough plus he's my favorite " she spoke with a smile on her face " Is that right " the woman challenged " yup that's right, now I just need to figure out how to turn you into my favorite " She spoke while watching the woman in front of her blush " We can arrange that "

" you right we can, how about let's start out with your number then after that everything else will fall right into place " Dinah stepped closer in front of her but not to close to draw attention.

Samantha eyed her for a few seconds before finally taking the phone Dinah had already out in her hand. She typed her number and name in while Dinah mentally did a little dance in her head.

She finally handed her, her phone back before walking off and stopping " Ill be looking forward to hearing from you " Dinah stood there taking in her words not in to much of a hurry to contact the woman cause that would just make her seem thirsty she would have to wait three days like the rest of them " Don't worry I won't keep you waiting for long " Dinah finally replied back after snapping out of her thoughts.

She watched her customer and his mother walk out of the shop before walking back to her station and opening a small box revealing a small black book.

She opened the book skipping by a few already filled pages before she got to a blank line, She doubled tapped her home screen on her iPhone causing it to light up.

She wrote down Samantha name and number and placed the book back into its box sliding it back behind her clippers.

She glanced over the contact information on her phone screen before scrolling down and deleting it " That won't be needed " she mumbled to herself.

She was never the one to just save girls numbers and names in her phone, that wasn't apart of the Players Handbook.

What y'all think so far? Should I continue?

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