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" It's not much but it's something " I turned the key opening the door before standing to the side to allow Normani to walk in " The kitchen is over there " I threw the keys on the tv stand as I watched her stand in one spot and look around " Just down the hall is the bedroom you will be occupying and last but not least your son room is across from you " she nodded her head as she continued to look around.

I stood there for a few seconds longer watching her before I went into the kitchen. I was starting to check her out and it was to early in the game for all that I had to make sure she was fully comfortable around me first before anything could transpire.

I opened the refrigerator grabbing a bottle of water. I leaned against the counter taking a sip before pulling my phone out of my pocket getting ready to reply to a few texts messages that were sent from unsaved numbers " If it's just you why do you have two extra rooms " I lifted my head up just to see Normani standing in the doorway. She had to be the human Representation of perfection, her skin glowed as if the sun shined on her 24 hours a day. I was so mesmerized by her that I hadn't even noticed she had came and stood beside me " more rooms to break in I guess " I spoke before taking another sip of my water.

I felt her side eye me which caused me to mentally kick myself. I felt I had some kind of image I had to keep up 24/7 forgetting she wasn't that type of girl " I have a huge family sometimes when they come into town a few come over and spend the night " I looked around the kitchen out of nervousness since I felt her still watching me as if she was trying to figure me  out " Your room has a bathroom attached to it with a very steady shower rod just in case you into things like that " I turned my head facing her with a smile upon my face just to see her turn away with a disgusting look upon hers.

We stood there in silence for a few seconds more before I heard the doorbell ring " thank you God " I lowly mumbled to myself because the lord knows I needed to get out that kitchen. Normani had a way of making me nervous without even trying and I couldn't understand why since Nothing ever made me nervous.

I finally had reached the door swinging it opening Just for Jermaine to be standing there dressed like a bum.

" Yo Dinah you'll never believe what happened just a few minutes ago " Jermaine blurted out while pushing pass me walking into the house not even thinking twice about uttering the world hello " You remember Koby from high school right? "

" Yeah what about him? " I followed up behind him as he made his way into the living room " I just seen him walking up Winston talking to himself I was so disappointed. Like this man was a basketball star went off to college and got his degree just to come back here and get strung out on Dope. I was so mad I yelled out the window Koby stop smoking that dope bro you better then that. And you'll never guess what happened next. " Jermaine eyed me seriously before carrying on with his story " This man looked up at me and said Motha fucka I'm talking on my Bluetooth walking to my got damn car. Ain't nobody smoking dope bitch. And then he got in his Mercedes and drove off. I really gotta stop judging people man "

I busted out laughing not able to contain it " Thats exactly what your ass get " I bumped into his side just to not get a reaction out of him since his focus was on something else. I turned around just to see him, himself had fallen victim to Normani as she just stood there in the kitchen doorway looking like a wingless angel.

As I was about to introduce the two Jermaine walked pass me taking matters into his own hands " How rude of me " he spoke smoothly as he stuck his hand out " I would've made it my top priority to formally introduce myself if I knew you were here" she took his hand into hers politely shaking it before letting it go " My name is Jermaine but you can call me Cole " I watch them closely trying my best to hold in my laugh because she was no where near being interested in him. Hell she hasn't even said a word to him yet.

He stood in front of her for a few seconds more before finally turning around with a stank look on his face " Dinah if it's okay I'm gonna go check out the rooms " she announced before walking pass us to the back.

Jermaine watched her walk away all the way up until she had fully disappeared " She's a bitch " he turned his head towards me speaking " Nah she just not easy. You use to these fast ass girls submitting right away and that's just not her " I walked around him taking a sit on the couch " So how you gonna get her to mess with you then? "

" it's simple I'm not " I picked up the remote to turn the tv on so our conversation wouldn't be over heard " What you mean you not what about the bet? "

" I thought about it for a awhile and I can't do it simply because she's a good girl and from the sounds of it a phenomenal mother. Plus she's not throwing herself all over me ima dog not a monster " I flipped through the channels speaking just to feel Jermaine starring a hole into my face " Yo bitch ass just like her and don't want to have to deal with hurting her being on your conscious you ain't sleek "

I just sat there deciding not to even respond back because maybe he was right. I was a firm believer in karma and reaping what you sew. So making her fall for me just to get some ass wasn't something I wanted on my conscious when it was so many others who was willing to give it up with no strings attached.

Maybe I could gain a good friend out of this situation or maybe not. Then again maybe I'll wake up with a whole new perspective in the morning.

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