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" Momma you suck " My son yelled out since I had just shot an air ball for the millionth time causing me to throw my hands up in the air before running to get the basketball " You could've went and got the ball for me Jacen " I picked the ball up and walked back towards the blacktop while playfully rolling my eyes " Speaking of somebody sucking you haven't made a shot since we been out here either" I bumped lightly into his shoulder as I walked by him " Ma these are doubled rimmed goals "

" okay and? " I challenged him " Everybody knows they the hardest goals to shoot on Dad can't even make a shot on those goals " he smacked the ball out of my hand giggling " Your dad isn't good at anything "

" Well he gave you me so " he stood in front of me with the widest grin upon his face " Jacen " I pushed him lightly before he could dribble around me " I'm just saying Momma give my dad his props " he shot the ball this time making it " Now what were you saying " he asked with his arm still in the air, I just stood there with a smile on my face as I watched one of Gods greatest creations walk around as if he didn't have a worry in the word which was exactly how i intended for it to be.

As long as my son was happy content and satisfied with life I was fine. I watched him look towards me with a smile on his face as if he already knew I was thinking about him. He was so prefect to me, The only downside was that he looked so much like the man who made me feel so much pain while also giving me so much joy.

His Father.

I met him fresh out of college. I had just moved to Virginia right after earning my BSN from Duke University.

I had took on a part time job at the local coffee shop while I finished up my internship at one of the best hospitals in Virginia at the time. He would come in every morning around the same time with his flawless suits and the brightest smile a human could sport.

I could tell right from the jump he was a man of very few words, I could tell by the way he carried himself he was a man of power one who didn't go looking for respect but yet demanded it. I wish someone would've told me those were the men to avoid maybe then I wouldn't feel so damaged.

He would come in every morning an order the same thing hot chocolate with whip cream with a cream cheese bagel to go.

He usually got his order and dropped a tip into the fish bowl before leaving, but one morning it didn't quite go that way.

Instead of just walking away he just stood there with a smile words couldn't even begin to describe " You know it's six in the morning right " he spoke causing his words to leave his mouth as if they were fresh air someone near was in need of " I'm aware " I spoke back nonchalantly not really in the mood for small talk " Are you also aware that even in the earliest hours of the day you still seem to look so flawless " he threw his hands into his pockets " please let me in on your secret " his smile grew wider as if he felt accomplished.

From that day forth we were inseparable. With each day that went by the more I fell deeply in love with him. I had never in my life felt the way I had felt about him about another human being. He took me places I had never imagined seeing. He opened up a side of me I didn't even know was there.

We walked through every city hand and hand as if we owned every building that was built there, accept for ours. We could never be seen out in public together, every time I would question why he would just sweet talk himself around the question.

That right there should've been a sign from me to let him go but it wasn't, instead I continued to love him even on days I didn't quite love myself.

He was a busy man so the only times I got to see him was only at night unless we went on vacation out of state somewhere. He had finally showed me where he worked, sometimes letting me into his office but never once did he turn the lights on.

His birthday was approaching and I tired my hardest to figure out what I should do for him, finally deciding on picking up his favorite meal before heading to his place of work to surprise him. I picked up a few more items thinking we could go to the park and have lunch.

As I walked through the large building with a smile upon my face I passed by a desk with a woman sitting at it just to be stopped in my tracks " Excuse me ma'am may I help you " She spoke boldly with a hint of kindness " Yes I'm here to see Keith " I spoke proudly as if he was a king and I was his Queen " I'm sorry ma'am but Mr. Powers has given me strict orders to not allow anyone through at this time unless it's his wife "

I stood there and looked at her as if she had just spoken to me in a foreign language " his wife " I lowly mumbled in disbelief " Yes his wife Ryan, are you here to deliver his food " she pointed at the white plastic bag I had in my hand causing me to look down " U-uh yeah " I fumbled over my words " let him know it's from Normani " I place the bag on the desk before walking away.

After the new found information I completely cut myself off from him but that didn't stop him from continuing to contact me. A month had went by he had finally stopped bothering me, but just when I thought I was done with him forever I found out I was two months pregnant. Leaving me to deal with a married man for as long as my child was on earth.

It hurt to know that to certain people my son would always remain a secret mainly to one person particularly Keiths wife. Who had also had a child twos before me.

" Momma you okay " I heard my favorite voice ask causing me to shake every memory of his father out of my head. I turned my head slightly to the left out of his sight just to catch the stray tear before it could fully fall down my face " I'm okay " I looked at him finally mustering up a smile " You know I love you right? " I pulled his slightly small body into mines " Yes Momma I know " he looked up towards me with that dazzling smile " You know I love you too right " he asked causing me to slightly shake my head before answering him " You are your fathers son " I bent over kissing the tip of his nose causing his face to frown up.

Y'all I deadass wanted to make Michael Jackson Normani baby daddy 😂😂😩

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