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" I ain't the one "

" And I ain't the mothafuckin one Either " both of the women stood in the middle of the shop going back and forth " I don't mean to burst y'all bubble but somebody gotta be the one both of y'all can't be second " Chase spoke causing everybody to laugh.

Dinah just sat there in her barber chair happy that the scene being played out in front of her wasn't caused by her for once.

It didn't matter how well the barber shop was known for its work and talented barbers, it always seemed to be some drama but it wasn't hers today so she paid it not mind.

Dinah messed around with her phone waiting for her next appointment to come until she noticed one of her co works standing beside her with a dazed look on his face.

She followed his eyes all the way to the front entrance until she finally saw what he was so fascinated by " go to talk to her " She mumbled before looking over at Devin.

Devin was a real nerdy guy who belonged in a tech store, he wasn't the type of guy to just walk out on a limb. He thought about everything before he done it, so Dinah knew he had probably played out a whole scene of him approaching her in his head already " I can't " he finally turned to face her " She won't give me the time nor day I can already feel the rejection " he spoke again before returning his attention back on her.

They sat in silence among each other for a few seconds before Dinah blew out a deep sigh " You don't know if she'll give you the time unless you try Devin " She sat back in her chair still looking at him knowing that he wasn't going to chance it if she just dropped it " Here " she grabbed her beat x headphones from around her neck " put these in and hand me your phone " he looked at her for a few seconds before taking his phone out of his pocket and exchanging with her.

Dinah took his phone calling herself she picked up the call and spoke into his phone to make sure he heard her.

Devin removed the headphones from his ears and looked at Dinah with questioning eyes " what are you doing " he finally spoke up " helping you " she turned her sit so she was fully facing him " Even a 7 year old knows that making a girl laugh will make her like you " she leaned in towards him " okay " he spoke with a confused look on his face " okay so that means the cornier the joke the higher your chances are "

Dinah sat back in her chair and just watched him look at her " I want you to put those headphones in and walk towards her when you get near her trip a little causing yourself to slightly not forcefully not hard but slightly bump into her then repeat everything I say after that Okay? " Devin sat there looking around as if he was thinking about what would happen if he went through with what Dinah was saying, He sat there for a few seconds more before finally getting up " Are you sure this is going to work " He glanced down at her " yes I'm sure just make sure you take one earbud out and not both " she instructed before watching him walk away slowly.

Dinah pulled Devins phone to her ear hearing him take several deep breaths causing her to lowly laugh " remember slightly bump into her not full on but slightly " she mumbled into the phone while keeping her eyes on him.

She watched as he got closer and closer to her before she mumbled out " Now " causing him to fall forward slightly brushing against the woman shoulder.

She watched him catch himself before taking one of the earbuds out " okay remember repeat whatever I say " Dinah spoke in between listening to him ask was she okay " Say I brought these shoes from a drug dealer I don't know what he laced them with but I've been tripping all day "  Dinah lowly laughed to herself due to the corniness of the joke.

She watched Devin repeat every word before casting her eyes onto the woman standing before him.

She noticed the woman lightly giggle like she knew she would causing Devin to let out the breath he had been holding in " What a beautiful smile " Dinah spoke into the phone lowly " how about allowing me to see it again maybe over lunch or dinner both would be even better " she grinned to herself over her own words.

She watched the woman pull out her phone and hand it to Devin, he placed his number into it before handing it back. Before Dinah knew it she heard a beep coming through already knowing it was the woman calling to give him her number.

She listened to Devin say a few more words before turning around and coming back towards her. She could tell by the extra skip in his walk that he was excited " Dinah did you see that " he sat down with every form of excitement on his face " yes and I heard it too " she smiled reaching over to give him back his phone.

Dinah grabbed her headphones from off his lap before sitting back into her barber chair " okay so what are we going to do on the date " he asked her with puzzled look on his face causing Dinah to give him the same look back " My guy this isn't trolls I can't turn myself into a New York fitted hat so you can wear me on your date " she raised up a little in her chair " Just be yourself D that's all you can do and if she doesn't like that then she isn't the one for you "  Dinah looked at him just to see him shaking his head in agreement " You right I appreciate the help " he stood up from his chair gathering his things " No problem " she mumbled before looking back down at her phone.

This is a little filler chapter since I can't sleeeeeeeep 😩

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