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" Hide your wife your girlfriend the weekend and the 9-5 cause it's big boy season " Big mike walked into the barbershop with a radiant smile upon his face " I see a couple of y'all looking confused as to what I'm talking about so allow me to explain " he gave a few people a dap before walking over and having a sit in my barber chair " It's the season where us big guys come and pick up y'all scrawny guys slack we cook we clean and we don't smell like onion rings " 

" that's a damn lie you smell like a five dollar box from Popeyes " Jermaine blurted out causing everybody in the shop to laugh " your momma must like the smell of rice and beans then nigga with your my neck my back head ass "  I placed the barbers cape around his neck with my bottom lip between my teeth to muffle my laugh " y'all light skin niggas get on my nerves y'all be walking around here with Stevie wonder hairlines thinking y'all the shit "

" well first of all I rather be the shit then smell like shit " Jermaine spoke up again causing everybody to laugh myself included  " Whatever you cinnamon stick built bitch "

" I rather be built like a cinnamon stick then a cement block "

" Okay y'all cool it, its kids in here " Frank the owner of the barbershop spoke causing everyone to go silent " The usually " I lowly spoke cleaning off my guards " Yeah just edge me up and take a inch off the top "

I turned around and began doing my normal routine making sure everything I needed was side by side an in place " Hey DJ did I ever show you a picture of my baby boy " I looked over my shoulder to see Big mike holding his phone towards me " thats my baby don't he look just like me " I looked at the picture for a few seconds before looking back at him.

Before I could even get anything out my mouth I felt someone come up beside me " Yo mike you said that's your son? " Jermaine asked looking at the picture a little harder " Yeah that's what I said " He turned the phone from towards us looking at it himself with a smile on his face " Look like I spit this boy out " he mumbled under his breath causing Jermaine to chuckle out loud " If you want me to be honest with you. It looks like your girl spit you out cause that baby don't look nothing like you actually he look like one of my homeboys "

" Whatever your momma should've spit you out " he hissed out before standing up from the chair " I gotta take this I'll be right back " he spoke taking the cape from around his neck. I slightly shook my head as I walked out behind him for some much needed fresh air. These days all the shop ever smelled like was axe and old spice swagger.

I reached my hand into to my pocket to retrieve my phone, I scrolled through my text threads looking at the unsaved numbers trying to figure out who was who. But before I could figure anything out a woman from across the lot caught my attention.

I watch as she paced back and forth with a not so happy expression on her face. I began to walk towards her staying as close as I could towards the wall so I couldn't be seen.

As I became closer her voice started to become louder signaling she was on the phone " What do you mean you need another month " I stood there and listened to her give whoever she was on the phone with much attitude " I don't have a whole month to give you all I need is my home finished now " I slid over further behind the building since she had turned around.

I watched Normani take her bottom lip into her mouth with the most frustrated look I had ever seen on anyone upon her face " If I would've known you couldn't get the job done in a timely matter I wouldn't had gave it to you " she tapped her foot aggressively against the pavement.

She began to pace back and forth in the spot she was in " Do you not understand that I have my son living out of a hotel? " she started rubbing her hand down her face out of frustration " So what now I give you another mouth just for you to call me and say you need another month " She sarcastically giggled before rolling her eyes. She finally stopped pacing as she listened closely to whomever she was speaking to on the other end.

She closed her eyes before deeply sighing out " Okay Jonathan one more month if it's not done you'll be hearing from my lawyer" And with that she threw her phone into her purse and stormed towards the direction I was standing in leaving me no choice but to reveal myself.

Before she could even get close enough I stepped out from behind the building and slightly leaned against it " Hey there strawberry sounds like you're in a jam " I grinned mischievously earning an eye roll from the shorter girl " Sorry I don't have time to entertain you and the little games you like to play "

" I'm not trying to play any games. I'm just simply trying to talk to you "

" I don't have time to talk " she pushed pass me to walk away but before she could I caught a hold of her wrist stopping her in her tracks.

She turned around swiftly eyeing me causing a smile to appear upon my face " I just want to talk that's all "  she stood there for a few seconds eyeing me as if she was trying to figure out if i was worth the time or not.

I looked back at her taking in her unmatched beauty. I mean I had came in contact with over two hand full of women but It was something about her that I just couldn't explain.

Everything about her had me lost for words from the way she talked, from the way she walked even down to the way the wind was blowing through her hair. I didn't know if this was destiny lust or infatuation but I did know if you put all three of those together it created her.

I felt her slightly pull her arm back snapping me out of my thoughts " I can help you " I quickly blurted out without thinking. I plastered a nervous smile onto my face as I watched her step back and cross her arms against her upper body " help me with what " she replied back in a almost snappy tone " I kinda heard your conversation, I would like to help you " I tossed my hands in my pockets in hopes of shaking my nervousness. Why was I even nervous in the first place, oh yeah cause I had just carelessly asked someone I barely know to come stay with me and let's not forget she came as a packaged deal.

She took another step back before squinting her eyes " and what's in it for you " she lowly asked " nothing I live alone so why not offer you my help plus it's only for a month " I smiled brightly just for her to cock her head to the side with a puzzled look on her face " so you're saying me and my son can invade your privacy for a month until our home is done? " she asked with a confused expression still plastered onto her face " Yes that's what I'm saying "

I stood there looking at her awaiting her answer while she watched me as if I was a ghost or something " I'll have to talk to my son about it " She uncrossed her arms ready to walk off " can I get your number now? " I finally asked feeling as if I deserved it " No. I know where you work " she smiled playfully before turning around and walking off.

The Players Handbook  ( Norminah )Where stories live. Discover now