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" I swear if my son grow up and become a rapper talking about how he was hungry or poor and had to get it out the mud Ima whoop his ass " Dinah looked up at the woman standing next to her son lowly laughing " I swear DJ his little ass ain't about to make me look like I didn't feed him three times a day all because he wants to look cool I'll beat his ass right in front of everybody's salad "  she spoke throwing her hand on her hip " I don't wanna be a rapper momma I want to be a dog catcher " the little boy said while grinning wildly " Good baby you can practice by trying to catch your daddy first " she patted his shoulder before going to go sit down in the waiting area.

Dinah looked down at him lowly laughing before continuing back cutting his hair " Is my daddy really a dog? Isn't that impossible " the little boy questioned looking over at his mother loud talk on the phone " Sherry girl please be careful out there in this rain cause last night I slipped and rolled all the way to my baby daddy homeboy house " she loudly laughed causing everyone in the shop to look over at her.

Dinah slightly shook her head before focusing back on getting the little boy edge up right " What's your name " She lowly mumbled while pulling his ear back " Caleb " he titled his head to the side.

Dinah took a few more steps before completing his hair cut she reached over and grabbed the hand held mirror placing it in front of the little boy causing him to smile " You like it Caleb? " she asked while watching him turn his head side from side.
Before he could reply his mother had came and stood back beside him " I think you should be asking me if I like it or not since I'm the one paying for it " she reached into her purse pulling out a twenty dollar bill, but before Dinah could take it she pulled her hand back and looked around before looking back at Dinah " You take food stamps " she lowly asked.

Dinah bit the inside of her check to stop herself for laughing in the woman face " No ma'am I don't " she untied the cutters tape from around Caleb's neck " Good cause I was just playing " she extended her arm back out with the money still in her hand.

Dinah took the bill and placed it into her pocket before reaching over to grab her broom " Thank you for fixing my baby hairline the last person who cut hair,  had my son looking like he edged him up with a hot spoon I should've known he won't bout shit when he tied a sheet around Caleb's neck and he made him sit between his legs in the floor like he was about to put some pigtails in my son head or some shit so thank you, you're truly a blessing " she guided her son out of the chair then the shop leaving Dinah just standing there looking lost.

She continued to clean her station before sitting in her barber chair listening in on some of the conversation that was going on around her " I don't care what nobody say pregnant ass is the best ass "

" You right man cause if you think about it she already pregnant so you ain't gotta wear a condom that's a plus right there "

" A plus my guy? do you not understand that you're busting in somebody else baby's face? "

" Key word somebody else's baby face "

Dinah just turned around in her chair shaking her head at what she wish she hadn't just heard.

This is just a filler Chapter.

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