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Please forgive me for the delay, I've completely become uninterested in all my books well Wattpad in General. I will try my best to complete what I have started. - Sincerely Management

" omg, omg " I mumbled under my breathe as I rubbed my thighs together trying to suppress the urge to pee as I fiddled around my purse for my key " God I'm begging you. Please don't let me piss on myself while I'm standing out here. " I spoke out loud before finally placing my hand on top of my five nights at Freddy's keychain my son talked me into buying.

I pushed the door open and dropped the groceries onto the couch, not even thinking nor caring about the eggs I had just brought.

I rushed down the hallway mad at myself for not using the restroom at the grocery store but I just couldn't bring myself to use a public restroom " please please. " I pleaded as I moved quickly down the hall while undoing my belt.

I moved pass the hall closet feeling the urge to pee become even more greater " I'm not going to make it to mines " I spoke out loud before I pushed Dinah half open bedroom door fully open.

I couldn't help but turn my nose up at the mess that surrounded me as I moved though the room, you would've thought this was a six year old child room and not someone who was grown.

Looking through the room I didn't even hear anything going on around me, my main focus was just trying to make it to the bathroom.

As I a approached the bathroom door I noticed a colorful wig laying on her bed still in the clear packaging " oh wow she really is a clown. " I mumbled lowly to myself before pushing the door open just to see Dinah standing in the mirror with water dripping everywhere. My eyes wondered from her face all the way down to her lower half causing my eyes to grow wider then fifty cent pieces. I was at a lost for words atleast that's what I thought " oh my God You have a big ol..."

" Penis. " she cut me off with a smirk on her face. I just stood there in pure disbelief.

I should've known, I mean she did present herself to be a little more masculine then the average woman. Plus I knew all these girls coming in and out of here on a daily basis wasn't going crazy over fingers I just thought her strap game was good but gaaah lee this bitch got a dick. A dick that I'm currently staring at like it's my favorite movie " You see something you like " she asked with that ugly ass grin upon her face as she wrapped her towel around her waist.

I stood there for a few seconds more before turning around " Damn Dinah why didn't you lock your door but most importantly why in the hell do you have a clown wig? " I asked growing angrier by the second due to her not saying anything. All I heard was her carrying on about her day as if I didn't just see her butt ass naked.

I heard her take a few more steps in the bathroom until they completely stopped. I stood there waiting for her to respond to me but instead I felt her warm breath on the back my neck causing goosebumps to form on my arms.

" Move! " I shouted loudly causing her to lowly giggle " What's so funny? " I turned around to see her still standing there with her towel wrapped around her " While I'm here please lock your door. "

" well actually you're suppose to knock before you enter a room so no. " she walked towards me reaching around me to pick up her clothes off her bed " plus you act like you haven't seen a penis before calm down. " she stood up straight in front of me and dropped her towel revealing her unclothed body once again.

I just stood there and looked at her as she stared back, it was almost as if she was challenging me to a staring contest that I was determined to win.

I mentally fought with myself not look down but my eyes had grew a mind of their own " Don't do it. Don't do it. " I lowly chanted to myself for encouragement.

She lowly chuckled as she continued her eye contact with me. She took a few steps towards me causing her penis to hit up against my thigh. She tilted her head to the side and developed the most devilish grin I had ever seen " It's not going to bite you. " she lowly mumbled as her eyes traveled down to my lips.

I stood there and watched her as she took her bottom lip into her mouth before slightly shaking her head, she brought her eyes back up to meet mines for a split second before she stepped back a few steps to put her boxer briefs on " That isn't a clown wig " she spoke while putting her arms through her crisp white T-shirt " I mean it's a wig a clown would wear, but it's not a clown wig " she laughed lightly before turning to walk to her dresser leaving me to watch her ass move side to side as she walked slowly across the room as if she knew I watching.

I still stood in the same spot slightly at a lost for words which was new for me because anyone who knew me knew I always had a word or two to say but at this moment none came to mind " one of my childhood friends daughter is having this little party, the entertainment cancelled on her last minute so I'm stepping in. I'm dressing as thing two and her husband is dressing as thing one. " she spoke with her back still turned towards me.

I started to turn around before she turned back around with a slight grin upon her face " What? " I asked as she walked towards me " Nothing I just had a thought about something " she picked up the wig before walking around me to walk out the room " Would you like to come? I mean it is a kids birthday party maybe you can bring Jacen so we can finally meet. " she spoke as she walked out the room signaling for me to follow up behind her.

I thought about her question, not really sure if I was ready for her to meet Jacen yet. I had arranged for him to be at my sisters house until next week figuring by then I would have a better feel on Dinah by then " What's your friend name? "

" You may not know her, but maybe you know her husband " Dinah grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator " He's one of the top business owners in Virginia. "

" That's not telling me his name. " I looked at her in confusing speaking. I disliked when someone explained everything about a person but never say their name as if I'm automatically suppose to know who they are " His name is Keith " she spoke with an attitude causing mines to ignite.

I stood there for a few seconds lost in a trance due to that name, my son hadn't seen his father in a year besides via FaceTime and now I see why.

I couldn't believe he had neglected his son due to his wife having another baby.

I looked up towards Dinah to see her looking at me with concern filled eyes. I didn't feel like answering any questions so I did what I also do when it comes to him I ran. I picked up my keys and left before Dinah could even open her mouth and protest against it.

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