Only One Love ( larry stylinson )

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******* warning there is language, and you will have sexual frustration on your behalf if you read this. and its a boyxboy so if you don't like, don't read*******


" Come on Harry, pleeeeeeaaaaaaseee?" Louis begged, still half drunk i just sighed, shaking my head..

" Why not curly? You know you want to." He said, giving me a wink. I felt my neck burn up at the gesture, trying to help him up to his room. He was being so stubborn about this. Not that I was complaining about it, but I just couldn't do that to him. I couldn't take advantage of him still drunk as fuck.

" Come on Lou, lets get you to your room." I struggled, trying to get him to not stumble, but it was harder than I thought. Its not that he is heavy or anything like that, he just gets so clumsy when he is drunk. But, I still don't get how he cant have hangovers the next day, no matter how much he drinks the previous night. I wasn't drunk, considering he went out by himself. But he was an adult, he had the right to. But he couldn't even walk in a straight line, but instead went around in circles. Acting like he was chasing a kitten. I was still surprised that he made it back to the flat, not damaged. I had to took his trainers off, along with his jack wills Hoodie. Although I am wondering why he even brought it, knowing that he doesn't wear that out in a bar. He constantly giggled though, telling me that he was really drunk. He usually doesn't get this drunk, but I knew all to well why he did it. Earlier.......

" OoooOOOhh! You just want me all to yourself don't you  Hax? Well my body is ready for you Hazzabear!" He giggled even more, tripping over his own feet. He fell on the rug, in the hallway, laughing all the way. I just pulled him back up, my hand around his waist holding him up. His arm was slung around my shoulder, trying to balance on me, not really working to well.

I dragged him to his room, removing his shirt as he sat on his bed. " Woah curly, getting a little horny there aren't you?" he said with a hiccup, and another giggle. I just sighed, letting him snuggle up to his pillow as he laid down. I heard snores instantly, and mumbling. Like usual.

" Thank you Harry...." he sounded muffled against his pillow, but I knew what he said.oh how much I wanted it to be real, like i love him. I walked over to his bed, giving a kiss on his temple.

" ." I sighed against his skin, not knowing what came over me. I looked down at his face, his flawless face, and saw my favorite smile. He looked so peaceful, like he really was in love. Get it out of your head Harry. He doesn't love you like you love him. He is straight, and he hates you. Oh how I wish he did love me though.......


SOOOOO HOW DO YOU LIKE??? and if you read the other one i was doing, im sorry again. i just didnt like it. SOOOOO YOU CAN START READING THIS ONE!!!!!!!

~ AC ;)

Only One Love ( larry stylinson )Where stories live. Discover now