Chapter 15

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____Chapter 15____________

Louis POV

"I told you Harry, I told you not to cross the line." He mocked.

Aw Hell.

"What do you want from us Joe?" I spat, dreading his existence in front of me every second.

"Oh Louis, why don't you call me dad?" He smirked. That little bastard..... I rolled my eyes.

"You lost that name once you tried to kill me." I mocked, the bitter practically showing.

"Oh son, that was in the past! We really must let go of the past and focus on that present don't you think?" He smiled, an almost fatherly smile. But, I looked at the slits he calls eyes and sees the disgust. That's it!

"Let go of.. What?.... LET GO OF THE PAST! You almost bloody kille- Wait...," I paused, thinking of something.." what do you mean, focus on the present?" I asked, as I saw the little wheels working in his head. Metaphorically of course. His smile grew wider, and his eyes shined, like he just one the lottery. Bingo.

"Ah Louis! I'm glad you wanted to know!" He beamed, looking like Dr. Evil by the minute. "See Louis, I was thinking..." He trailed off, as I raised my eyebrow, looking innocently confused. "I was thinking that you could join me!"

Harrys POV.

WHAT?! IS HE SERIOUS?! Joining him? In.. IN WHAT?!

"Joining you in what exactly?" He asked, showing a little enthusiasm. Oh lord please no.. Please tell me he isn't buying this!

" Oh Louis! Why, join me in the business! You have heard of my business haven't you? Yes? Good! That means I can show you what its like to be a top dollar man! And then you could leave your little boyfriend and come with me!" I flinched, as I looked at Louis. But he was looking straight at Joe. Oh lord.. No.

"Why I would love to Dad." He mumbled, smiling brightly at him. No...

Joes POV (I'm sorry about switching POVs so much, its just how I pictured it!)

Ah, my little son coming with me! Now I can rid him of his little disgusting boyfriend and turn him straight! Now he wont have to sing! I have my son back! "Come on son! We have to get you to Italy by tomorrow! We need to start your learning!" I happily commanded, as he showed the same smile. Ah, now we are a family again. I am so glad I didn't kill him in the first place.

"Oh Dad? I'll be with you in just a sec. I might to finish some business here." He spat in disgust, looking at his now ex boyfriend. Yes!

I smiled at him, "Don't take to long son." I chuckled, as I walked out of the room, feeling prouder of my son for being what he was supposed to be. For what I raised him. A straight, business owning man. Not a gay singer. Ah yes, the lead to success I have finally reached.

I heard an agonising pain, as I glanced back over my shoulder. I saw Louis walking up to me, smiling broadly.

"I'm glad to be back Dad." He sighed blissfully, as I latched an arm around him.

"I'm glad to have you back son." We walked towards our limo, retunring to the hotel I am staying in.


I am a little surprised, as to how he changed his mind so quickly. I mean, he was wanting me to kill him in the police department, which I didn't do but just nearly made him unconscious. Although, the cops didn't like that to well.. I chuckled at the memory. So naive those cops. Thinking the are the authority around here. Ah.. the perks of being a billionaire. But now, he is all to willing to be by my side once more, forgetting about those few.. childish days and nights. I'm not complaining though, because I know that sooner or later, I will have to be replaced, and I don't want any other person than my son to do it. I looked at him, as he gazed out of the window, headphones in. I shook my head, as I thought the kids these days with there new technology and such. Yes, my company is based around it, but it doesn't mean I don't use it.

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