chapter 13

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__chapter 13_________

Louis POV

"So boys, shall we begin?" He asked kindly, as I internally groaned. I didn't want to be questioned, but I knew I had to be, since I am living with him. Well, was since he would be hating me. Why cant they just send a search party for him! We need to find him!

"My name is John." He continued,"And we might need to question you guys individually, is that alright?" He asked softly, as if we were to brake at any minute. Well, I was if we cant find him in time.....

He looked at us, as to see which victim was going first. I gulped, as he eyed all of us for a minute, as I avoided contact with him.

"Cab you guys tell me your names?" He asked. How does he not know our names?!

After a very awkward silence, Zayn piped up."Uh.... My name is Zayn." He said, using his accent.

"Um....," Liam sighed, rubbing the back of his neck," My name is, er, Liam sir." He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, as he stared down at the table.

"Erm.. My name is... Uh.. Niall." Niall whispered, as if he thought he would make a bomb explode from talking any louder.

Then they all turned towards me, as they thought I was going to give them my name. Bloody Hell?!

"Listen sir, we need to find Harry. If you would just listen to me, I think that we could, but under my circumstances." I saw sternly, taking the risk. Hopefully he will follow through.

He eyed me for just a second, before turning to the black, mirrored wall. He did something with his hands, before an intercom went off.

"What are your circumstances..?" The raspy voice asked, as the police officer turned towards me.

"I will tell you, once the boys leave. " I nervously looked at them, but they looked shocked, and somewhat hurt. I couldn't blame them. I would b hurt too if one of your used-to-be best mates didn't tell you a secret this big.

There was a pause, before another guy walked in, telling the boys to come out. I sighed in relief as the last one, Liam, trailed behind Niall, closing the door.

"So, what is it that you know?" John asked, as he pry ed for information.

"First, I need that intercom thingy off. For reasons I will tell you once it is." I said confidently, as I could fell my shell could only hold for so long.

John nodded, as he walked out for one second, letting me think over what I was going to tell him. I knew it was going to be hard, but I had to be strong. If the boys would be watching, I don't want them seeing me like that. Only Harry, and family have seen me like that. Including my no good father.

Oh, god. I loathed him with a passion, and to think he could just treat my mother like that-

"Mr. Tomlinson?" John asked, causing me to flinch.

"Please don't call me that." I gritted through my teeth, as he sat down across from me.

"Ok, then what would you like me too address you by?"


"Ok then Louis, you have my attention. Only my attention."

I took a deep breath, as I told him everything.

"Well, um.... about two and a half years ago, I came onto X Factor to audition. Well, my parents weren't really getting along. But, whenever I asked, my mum just told me that it was nothing to worry about. I even saw some bruises on her collarbone, but she told me that she just fell. I eventually gave up, because she would never tell me the real reason. That ungrateful little.." I started to mumble, but I remembered where I was, so I continued," Anyway, I got into the band One Direction, and everything was going just fine. I was dating someone, a very... special girl... And, well, my parents seemed fine, so it was going along smoothly. Well, we, the band and I, were about to go to America for a tour. So, management let us go to our families for a week. So I went home, and I found my mother and my sisters, and my old girlfriend welcoming me home. My mum told me my father was out on business and that he would be back in a couple of days. Boy did he lie... " I stopped, and took a deep breath." So, later that night, I took my girlfriend out on a date, seeing as I haven't seen her in almost a year, but, when we went out, I saw my dad." I shuddered at the memory.

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