chapter 1

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OK sooo, this might give you guys a shock. Probably never thought that it would start out like this. hope you like it and sorry for spelling mishaps. ok umm bye.

_____________________ Harrys pov________________


" We are here Mr. Styles." The driver said, coming to a stop. I was petrified, almost regretting my decision. What made me do this? Well, I know what made me do this, but I just couldn't believe it. I was completely and utterly nervous, not wanting to move. I was frozen completely, only to be greeted with Simon opening the car door for me. That's when I noticed I was holding my breath. I gasped, for the lack of air, as he chuckled at my appearance. " Come on Harry, don't be so nervous. Its okay. Besides, living with Louis Tomlinson. Being put in the biggest Boy band. One Direction.

My nerves are going crazy, but i got out of the car. I didn't want to be living with him. Everyone knew that he was beginning the downfall of the band, but apparently Simon thought I was good for him. And that I was a good singer, I did play in a band once, so maybe Simon liked me for that too. we were nearing the flat, with my suitcase in hand. I'm so bloody nervous I'm starting to sweat. " Its okay Harry."

" How do you know that Simon? Everyone can see that the band isn't like it used to be. Why am I so important?" I asked, my voice growing more shaky. I am really regretting my decision now.

" Well Harry, I believe that a new member for the band will do it so good. And your the person I think that will help. So come on." He explained. It still didn't settle my blasted nerves.

" But, d-d-do I-I have to live with him? W-W-What if he h-hates me?" I Stuttered. Its getting worse now.

" Yes Harry, you do, and he hates everyone right now, so whatever he says, don't take it to heart. He has walls built up, and I believe that some one new might break them down, like you.." He sighed, and now we are at the front door of my new flat. With him.


" I told you Simon to leave me the fuck alone!" A faint voice from the other side yelled. Simon just sighed, and walked in to a very red Louis.

" Simon! WHAT DID I- what is that doing here!" Louis yelled, causing me to flinch. I wasn't even a who, he called me a what. Yeah, I have a warm welcome to my new, and shared, flat. This is going to be just dandy.

" Now Louis, I did tell you that we will have a new band mate, and that he was going to be living with you." Simon said in a collect,calm voice. Which is what startled me, because I'm wondering how he is being so calm to a person who is yelling with all the hate in just one word. " NO SIMON! I told you that I didn't want that to be living here! Its my fucking house!" He bellowed with even more rage, hatred. I just winced, feeling more welcome by the minute. Hinting the sarcasm in my head.

" Well too bad Louis, he is living with you no matter what. And you need to clean your act up.Or worse." Simon said, letting the resistance slipping. Well, I would would start to get mad too if someone is yelling at me. He walked out before Louis could respond. But once he stepped out of that door, i felt a pain against my back. Only to notice that i was being slammed against the wall by no other than Louis. I knew that i was going to have bruises by this, but I was to in shock at our positions, for he was very strong. Too strong for my own good.

" Now you listen here, and you listen good. I have some rules. You don't touch anything that is mine,you don't get into my business, and you don't talk to me unless i say something to you. Or, if your life depends on it, maybe. You got that curly?" He half yelled half explained, pinning me up against the wall even more. I just starred at him wide eyed, not doing anything at all. " Hey CURLY! Do. You. Understand?" He Yelled even more in my face, noses touching. I nodded to vigorously, and he just let go of me. I fell to the floor, not noticing that i wasn't off the floor, maybe just in shock. I grabbed my suitcase, went upstairs to what looks like my new room on the right. But there was 5 rooms. 3 on one side, and 2 on the other. I suspected that my room is the nearest one on the right, so I stepped in. The room was a dark, faided blue, with a small closet door right beside it. I sat on my double full bed, and out my face in my hands, thinking of how this is going to be such a joy, sharing with Louis Tomlinson. But what had my curiosity running was, what happened to him? How did he get from bubbly, spontaneous and adventurous to silent, rude, and obnoxious? I was going to find out, even if that means breaking some rules, but hopefully, also the walls he has built up. Maybe I might be different for him. Who knows? But all i wanted to do right now was help him. Maybe he might let me.


soooo, how do you like? i was thinking about doing something like this, and just tell me what you think.... sooooo vote comment and fan. and the story gets longer as it goes, so please dont stop reading.

~AC ;)

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