chapter 2

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 so guys i hope you like it! sorry for the spelling mishaps...

______ chapter 2__

I woke up from the loud banging on my door, and a voice yelling at me, " GET UP you lazy bastard! We have to go see the others, unfortunately." He just chuckled bitterly and stomped off. i grunted, stuffing my face in my pillow. I wanted so much to back to sleep, but thought better of it. I didn't want another rude awakening. I grunted, standing up lazily. I went to put on a jack wills shirt, and some sweats. I did my daily morning routine, besides showering, because he was waiting for me anyways.

I walked out from the bathroom, and went to the kitchen. " It took you long enough curly!" He said, standing up from the bar stool, and getting some cereal. I just rolled my eyes, and noticed that he was only wearing only boxers. I was right, he was strong. He had toned abs. ripped biceps and- STOP Harry. i quickly turned away from him so he wouldn't notice that I was starring at him even though it was hard, and went to get some cereal, since i really didn't want to cook this morning. I poured me some cereal and milk into a cup, yes a cup don't ask me why, and went to sit down on the bar stool.

I ate in silence, considering he went up to change. Good, maybe if he was more covered then i wouldn't stare at him less. Or at least openly. i chuckled at the thought and only to be disrupted. " What are you laughing at curly?" he spat out. I looked up at him, only to see raised eyebrows, and a look in his eyes. Hatred. I don't even understand, how could you hate someone you don't even know? It pained me a little at the thought. But Simon said he hated everyone. That reminded me, why did he?" OH curly? I asked you a question. Answer it." he said, a little bit more bitterly.

" Whats it to you?" I spat out, quickly regretting it. Then more bruises were appearing on my back, as I was slammed against the wall again.

" What did you say curly?" He shouted, raising me up against the wall.I winced at the connection, and he chuckled bitterly. I just wanted to tell him that he should stop, but that would lead to even more physical pain on my sides, and back. So instead, I just nodded my head, not saying anything.

he just had that devilish smile on his face, whispering in my ear," It hurts, don't it curly? Yeah, don't mess with me. Or your going to regret it." His cheek brushed against mine, sending shivers down my spine. Oh god Harry, Quit it. He just let me go, while I slumped against the floor, hurting even more. God, why does he treat me like this? Is not even been a day and he is acting like a total dick. And why did I even get like that? I cant with him, he isn't the good kind to be with. But I had to make him stop hurting me, and not getting shivers when he touches me. Or when I get all fumbled, and tingly when he is close to me. Somehow. I tried to move my back, but the slightest movement just hurt. I winced, and grunted as I walked out of the room slowly. " Hurry up curly. I don't like to be waiting." He huffed, and grabbed his black jacket. Come to think of it, he doesn't wear that many colors anymore. All he wears is black, gray, and a whiter gray. Like a light gray Especially when he wears that tight gray jumper, that fits his figure perfectly, shapiing around his icep-. Heck Harry! STOP THAT! Why and how did I even notice that? God, maybe he doesn't notice it. Hopefully he doesn't. It would put me in even more torture if he found out, because I haven't dealt with it well in the past. Neither have other people. Considering we do live in a country where the don't except people like me.I just shrugged off the thought, reminiscing on the past events, which is making my stomach upset.


I grabbed my blue jack wills hoodie, and walked out to the car following Louis. he walked around to the driver seat of the car, and I got in the passenger seat. He kicked the car to life and started to drive to Liam's flat. It was dead in this car, other than the radio playing. It was awkward, because I don't like what Ive been feeling for the past hour and its unsettling. I looked out of the window, seeing the scenery cross in a daze. I couldn't help it, but I peeked over at Louis, and found him sitting in the same position. But he was driving after all. God, I'm such a dope. My heart started to race when I thought his name, and hopefully he didn't hear it. Because it shouldn't be, not with him.

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