Chapter 10

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Niall's POV.

I was woken up by rings going off, and I rustled under the sheets. Who could be calling me right now?

"Ni, babe.... its for you." Liam mumbled, face pressed into my chest. I forgot that he slept over, well, I guess I didn't... Remembering from what happened at the bar. Wow, I must have been drunk. But I think it was all worth while.

"Li, I.. don't.. want to.. get it." I mumbled, as I was running my eyes, only to find me face was in his hair. Not that I minded though. I loved everything about his hair. Everything about him to be exact.

"If you get it, Ill make you some breakfast." He mumbled, sending me to get the phone and answer it. Liam chuckled, as he got off the bed, slipping on his boxers. I saw a love bite right over his tail bone, and I flared up more than a firework on July the 4th.

I turned my attention back to the phone, since I didn't look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked, my accent thicker than usual.

"Hey, Niall?"

"Harry?" I asked. Why is he up at this time?

"Uh,, yeah. Well, I just wanted to let you know that I held up my end of the deal. Your welcome."He cockily said, as I huffed, then did a little squeak in excitement. Finally!

"Finally! It took you long enough you twat."

He did a fake gasp, as he exclaimed, "Ouch! Hurtful... well anyways-"

"Who is that Ni?" Liam asked, turning the stove on for some pancakes.

"Oh its just Harry." I replied.

"Well, what about hi- Li...." I felt his breath on my neck, as he started to kiss along my neck, nibbling on my sweet spot. He started to go lower, to my collarbone, until I registered that Harry was on the phone still.

"Um.. Harry I-I have to g-go.." I trailed off, as he started to make more love bites on my abdomen.

"Gosh, just go already! I don't want to hear that. But, make sure you use protection! Bye!" He cheekily said, before hanging up. I dropped the phone, pulling Liam's face up to mine, slamming my lips on his.

________( Just for the record, I am not writing a smut story.) __________

Louis POV.

I starred at Harry making breakfast, as I had a lopsided smile on my face. He was focusing so hard on to get the right ingredients measurements that he had a concentrated on his face. It was rather adorable. I had my cheeks wrested in the palm of my hands, elbows on the table, just watching him. It might look like I am a weird person, staring at him, but I just couldn't look away. Maybe its the way he is trying to concentrate on making the meal, or the fact that his hair looks so dissolved. I loved his curly hair, as I wrapped my fingers around one of them, watching it bounce back. Or maybe its when he lies, his eye squints. You would think it might be a lazy eye or something, but its only when he lies. That's how I know when he is. Like last night. Oh... I forgot about that part.. Joe texted me. I'm dead. Literally. And so is Harry. I don't think that I can handle a life without Harry. I couldn't handle 7 minutes without Harry. He has that much of an effect of me. Or when he is trying to be his normal cheeky side, he always has some lame comment that just gets me so flustered. Like in the car, he said he didn't do pussies, which was rather funny. But he whispered it in my ear, seductively, then after he winked. I don't know why I acted like that, but now it just makes more sense. I don't know what Joe is going to do, but if he is getting anywhere near my Haz, I will kill him.

"You know, a picture will last longer." He mum mered, eyes still on the pancakes. But he had that grin, the flirtatious but cheeky smirk. I blushed, but looked down. I didn't want him to think that I was staring. I don't know what we were, but I hope it leads to something more. I know we probably crossed the boundary of friends, hell I think he skipped past that and just went... well, I don't know. But all I know is, that I have Harry right now, and I don't tend to loose him.

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